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Thank you for your order

Title: Jewish National Fund
JEWISH NATIONAL FUND - Your Voice in Israel
Donate | Plant Trees | Travel to Israel

Dear Robert,

Thank you for generously donating $36.00.

For items without lamination expect to receive the product in 5-7 days or 2 days with Express Shipping. For items with lamination expect to receive the product in 4-6 weeks.


Item Name

Total Price


Circle of Life Certificate ($36.00 each)

Finishing Options None
Shipping Options Standard Shipping
How many trees would you like to purchase? 3 Trees (One Free!)
Certificate Type In Celebration of
Tributee Name Miranda Asch
Enter your message Congratulations on your Bat...
Closing By
Signor Noelle and Robert B...


Total Price of Items:


All items will be shipped to the following address:





Phone: my-Oakland-voicemail-number

We are deeply grateful for your generosity and support of our efforts. Your gift makes a difference - it enables us to provide vital services to the community we serve. We count on you and people like you to ensure that we can continue providing these services.

Russell F. Robinson
Russell F. Robinson
Chief Executive Officer, Jewish National Fund

For future reference, your confirmation code is 1039-3181-25-2365210-2309279. Please print or save this message for your personal records.

Note regarding the Tax Deductible Portion:
You may print this page as your receipt for tax purposes.

Transaction Date: 10/5/13
Total Gift Amount: $36.00
Shipping Charges: $0.00
Confirmation code: 1039-3181-25-2365210-2309279

© 2012 JEWISH NATIONAL FUND, All rights reserved.
42 East 69th Street New York, New York 10021 | jnf.org | (888) JNF-0099 | http://www.jnf.org/~customerservice
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