Robert, I thought you might know some folks who might be interested in some of the following. If so, feel free to pass it one. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Carl Baltrunas <> Date: Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 11:36 PM Subject: Old, but not really vintage computer hardware I must clean out some of my equipment and I'm game to pass it on free any vintage computer people, or anyone who might actually put the items to use somehow instead of the scrap heap. I have a number of old PC cases, some with PC's in them, Sun Microsystems equipment, and a plethora of cables and wires. The PC's I'm not going to inventory unless there's interest, the latest are Pentium, but have some earlier ones, also a few laptops with docking stations. I do not think I have an AT or prior model, but I might have one lurking somewhere. (I know I had an XT but I'm pretty sure I left that running in a data center downtown SJ 10 years ago). The Sun systems, I'm pretty sure are all SPARC, ranging from XPC, SparcStation-1 and -2, some -5's, -10, and -20's. I also have a few Ultra-10's and Sun 21" CRT monitors used, barely used, and several of each brand-new still in the unopened boxes. A couple of the SS-20s are configured as Tymnet nodes (not too useful except as a novelty, since the network is no longer viable). Some hard drives with carriers, and a few other peripherals. A number of SCSI and other (not sure what at this point) interface cards for SUN. Some Tymnet Engine consoles and parts (several models) which the CHM was not interested in when I asked a few years ago, A few telco components, boards from a keyset system, miscellaneous 5/6 line phones, some handsets, most worked at one time. And, as mentioned above, lots of cables for RS-232, x.25, weird crossovers and adapters, a bunch of connectors, a couple of 25-pair cat-3(?) cables with connectors... lots of cables. There's a bunch of other items, video components for older security systems, some junk and who knows what else. A number of Macintosh vintage MacPlus thru PM-8600 systems, drives, monitors (13" RGB, Radius Page w/Rotate, others), LaserWriterII (several models), Apple Scanner (black & white, color) and a host of other things like PhoneNet and AppleTalk network items. (Some of these I will be keeping for myself, but I am willing to part with some of them -- I don't need to keep 3 Mac SE or IIci systems) And CABLES! (those things you cannot buy anymore) A portion of these items are in my garage, my attic, and my 10x10 storage unit. I must clear out my storage unit, which is "PACKED" wall to wall with this stuff and books. I also have some old listings of PDP-10 programs some from the TOPS-10 era, and a smaller number from TYMCOM-X. I'm in and out and will be the rest of the month until I manage to get everything out of the storage unit. I'm currently under-employed and looking for another opportunity, so I've got a little time between job hunting to get this done in the next 20 days. You are welcome to pass this on to any friends who may be interested. The items I've listed are things I know to be in the garage or storage unit. There ae likely to be other gems I've forgotten about. I may deliver some items locally if someone speaks up as it is being moved out of storage. However, first dibs is great for anyone who comes to take it away from storage (so I don't have to transport it home and figure out where to cram it). Dibs may also be granted on Items I might want to keep but if someone really wants it and they want to help move it, it will likely end up in their possession. There are other things also free for the taking, to clear out space, but not sure if relevant to any vintage computer types. Some of the stuff MAY, if I ever have time, make it to eBay, but anything I do not want to preserve for my own museum (meaning it has to fit in my garage or attic after emptying the storage unit), will most likely end up at the electronic recyclers if there are no takers or scavengers showing interest. -Carl