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FW: Dad/Richard's treatments begins next week

 > From: Chris <http://www.picis.com/~Chris>
 > Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:25:27 -0400
 > To: Chris <http://www.picis.com/~Chris>, 
	", Flora" <http://www.state.vt.us/~Flora.>, 
	Bhavani  <http://www.myself.com/~Bhavani>, 
	"http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl"; <http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl>, 
	"http://www.gmail.com/~bhavaniowl";  <http://www.gmail.com/~bhavaniowl>, 
	"http://www.gmail.com/~369marnie"; <http://www.gmail.com/~369marnie>, 
	"http://profiles.yahoo.com/Flora"; <http://profiles.yahoo.com/Flora>, 
	"http://www.gmail.com/~flora";  <http://www.gmail.com/~flora>, 
	"http://www.gmail.com/~christopher1";  <http://www.gmail.com/~christopher1>, 
	"http://www.gmail.com/~drchrisbear";  <http://www.gmail.com/~drchrisbear>, 
	"http://www.aol.com/~starsapphire68"; <http://www.aol.com/~starsapphire68>, 
	"http://profiles.yahoo.com/Tim"; <http://profiles.yahoo.com/Tim>
 > Here are a couple of links:
 > http://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/prostate-cancer-radiation-therapy
 > http://www.cancer.org/cancer/prostatecancer/detailedguide/prostate-cancer-treating-radiation-therapy
 > From: , Flora [http://www.state.vt.us/~Flora.]
 > Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 2:14 PM
 > What are the side effects of the treatment?
 > From: Bhavani [http://www.myself.com/~Bhavani]
 > Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 2:12 PM
 > I wanted to let you all know that Dad/Dick/Richard begins radiation treatments 
 > next week (Thursday) for his prostate cancer.  He will be going in to The 
 > Department of Radiation Oncology in Londonderry,  -- 5x's a week for about 8 
 > 1/2 weeks. As you probably figured out this will extend into January.  Keep him 
 > in your thoughts...

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