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FW: Dave Truslow said "Reminder: SJPD Q&A + Crime Prevention: Tue 19 Nov 6:30P Peter Burnett Cafeteria"

Is this at the school?

 > From: Nextdoor Japantown <http://www.nextdoor.com/~reply>
 > Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 06:06:07 -0000
 > Dave Truslow from Hyde Park said:
 > SJPD will be reviewing area crime statistics (preview: not good) and 
 > recommendations. The meeting will include a Q&A to address your concerns. 
 > Northside, Japantown, Vendome, Rosemary Gardens, and Hyde Park neighbors are 
 > invited. SJPD has requested that only those residents attend. 
 > Please tell any neighbors not on Nextdoor. 
 > The cafeteria is immediately next to the parking lot (entrance on Hedding). 
 > Caution: 2nd St parking is by permit, but 3rd is not. Crossing Hedding into the 
 > parking lot can be daunting at 6:30P - . may be easier to avoid crossing 
 > East Bound Hedding traffic. . The crosswalk beacon at 3rd & Hedding will help 
 > you cross safely.
 > Best,
 > -dave truslow
 > Shared with Hyde Park and 5 nearby neighborhoods in Crime & Safety

Why do you want this page removed?