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FW: County Civic Center OutReach Meeting Notes

 > From: Nextdoor Japantown <http://www.nextdoor.com/~reply>
 > Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 21:45:07 +0000
 > Dave Truslow from Hyde Park said:
 > I recognized neighbors from Hyde Park, Northside, and Vendome at last night's 
 > CC Redevelopment outreach meeting. Thanks to those that were able to attend on 
 > a chilly evening. The meeting was organized by Supervisor Chavez in response to 
 > complaints about the the absence of information. To register for meeting 
 > announcements, email: http://www.faf.sccgov.org/~david.barry
 > All project updates at www.sccgov.org/civiccenter
 > Highlights:
 > 1. No decision - only exploratory at this point.
 > 2. Next outreach probably in March after completion of additional information 
 > gathering. 
 > 3. Could be 5 years before ground is broken.
 > 4. SCC got the two former National Guard properties for free from the Federal 
 > government with the condition that it be used for law enforcement related 
 > purposes. Otherwise, SCC must pay market rate for it. 
 > 5. FAA requirements limit building height based on proximity to flight path. 
 > New buildings closer to 87 will probably be limited ot the height of the West 
 > Wing / jail, those closer to First will be higher (like the East wing). 
 > 6. The county will entertain "out of box" proposals such as off-premises land 
 > swaps, securing air rights, and public-private partnerships. 
 > 7. City of where-I-live approval is required if (as expected) proposals includes 
 > any non-governmental use. 
 > 8. Concerns were raised about safety / quality-of-life impacts from relocating  
 > mentally ill, addiction, probation and inmates services- including AB109 that's 
 > transferring state prison inmates to counties and the affect on Civic Center 
 > area neighbors. Any concern is premature at this point, but important to remind 
 > officials of neighborhood concerns. 
 > Best,
 > -dave truslow

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