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FW: Happy 2013 Winter Solstice!

 > From: "Simon D. Levy" <http://www.wlu.edu/~levys>
 > Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 17:13:38 -0500
 > Hi Robert,
 > Thanks for all your news! It sounds like you've had a good year.  I was 
 > looking forward to watching the movies you listed, but it turned out I'd 
 > seen them already -- so I guess we have similar tastes.
 > I guess my biggest news is (as you might put it: sudo apt-get install 
 > happiness !  I've gone completely over to Ubuntu from OS X (and to 
 > Android from iOS).  With so much of my work dependent on open-source 
 > technology, I got tired of fighting Apple for the ability to do 
 > interesting things in software (Python packages) and hardware 
 > (connecting my phone / tablet to a non-Apple-approved Bluetooth and USB 
 > devices), and tired of paying them and various third parties for 
 > adapters to connect to Thunderbutt or whatever other non-standard 
 > bullshit connectors they make).  Free at last!  I was so excited to get 
 > Ubuntu running on my new laptop that I made a video 
 > <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeNTtn231cU> about it.
 > Give my best to Noelle, and have a safe and happy holiday.
 > As ever,
 > Simon

 >  Washington  &  Lee  University
 >  Lexington,  VA  24450
 >  540-458-8419  (voice)
 >  540-458-8255  (fax)
 >  http://www.wlu.edu/~levys
 >  ,http://www.wlu.edu/~levys,
 >  http://www.cs.wlu.edu/~levy ,http://www.cs.wlu.edu/~levy,

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