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Your payment to adrian avila

You sent a payment of $18.98 USD to adrian avila.

Dec 25, 2013 13:04:32 PST
Receipt No:2853-1735-5607-9589

Hello Rpbert,
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Merchant information:
adrian avila

Instructions to merchant:
Keep up the good work!

Shipping information:
United States

Shipping method:
Not specified

Payment details

Description:  De-Bug the System tee - Mens ,  Item #: 38018664, Option: Medium
Unit price: $14.99 USD
Quantity: 1
Amount: $14.99 USD
Shipping and handling: $3.99 USD

Total: $18.98 USD

Receipt No: 2853-1735-5607-9589
Please keep this receipt number for future reference. You'll need it if you 
contact customer service at adrian avila or PayPal.

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