> From: Flora <http://profiles.yahoo.com/flora> > Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 13:50:48 -0800 (PST) > > Hi Robert, > > I would like your opinion. Xander must submit an essay for the common app, but > a supplemental for some schools.He is applying to Cornell. Cornell requires a > supplemental Writing Supplement Submission. As you know, he is very interested > in artificial intelligence, but says that he is not interested in engineering. > Below is the essay question for Cornell. What do you think? Looking at http://www.engineering.cornell.edu/academics/departments.cfm , it says that Computer Science falls under "engineering", and the AI Dept falls under http://www.cs.cornell.edu/research/ai . So, answering the question as if you were addressing or had interest in working on a particular AI project would be appropriate, I think. There's a link to the Robotics page for Cornell there. I have to admit that the projects listed on http://pr.cs.cornell.edu seem pretty uninteresting to me. Something like http://www.google.com/search?q=kurzweil+nanobots seem more interesting to me. Or, maybe robots that clean toilets or pick fruit. > Tell us about an engineering idea you have, or about your interest in > engineering. Describe how your ideas and interests may be realized > byâ??and linked toâ??specific resources within the College of Engineering. > Finally, explain what a Cornell Engineering education will enable you to > accomplish. (Please limit your response to 650 words.)