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FW: Sleep Dealer

 > From: "Levy, Simon" <http://www.wlu.edu/~LevyS>
 > Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2013 05:12:48 +0000
 > Cc: "Lambert, Kenneth" <http://www.wlu.edu/~LambertK>
 > Hi Robert,
 > Thanks for recommending the movie Sleep Dealer!  I just finished watching it, 
 > and I can't remember seeing a science fiction movie I've liked more since Blade 
 > Runner.   "Coyotek", "Cybracero" -- funny but completely plausible (and likely)
 > .  My only question, this being SF, was "Where'd they hide all the white people?
 > " ;^)
 > I'm cc'ing my colleague Ken Lambert, with whom I share Netflix recommendations (
 > as well as significant aesthetic and political outlook).  Ken recently brought 
 > the historian Morris Berman to W&L for a visit, and I think this movie would 
 > appeal as well to Berman -- who not coincidentally lives in Mexico.
 > The movie reminded me a bit of a recent Zadie Smith story, which I'd also 
 > recommended to Ken and Morris B.:  
 > http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2013/08/12/130812fi_fiction_smith
 > Thanks again!
 > - Simon

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