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FW: Updates from Kari, Chuck, Joe and 2 others

Video games: it's not just for hiring any more.

 > From: "Nextdoor Japantown" <http://www.r.email.nextdoor.com/~nextdoor>
 > Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2014 22:38:38 +0000
 > CITY OF where-I-live POSTS
 > ---------
 > Communications Office from City of where-I-live posted a message in General: 
 >     Get involved in San José's budget process by playing the Budget
 >     Games online! Over the last three years, the Budget Games were
 >     conducted in-person, using physical money and calculators. Now,
 >     with our pro-bono partner Conteneo, weâ??ve expanded the games
 >     online for 2014.
 >     The online version will allow even more residents to get involved
 >     and provide feedback about San José's budget in a collaborative,
 >     game-style environment. The free, dare I say fun, hour-long online
 >     budget sessions will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Jan.
 >     23 - 25, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. You get to choose the times
 >     and dates that work best with your schedule.
 >     We're hoping to have thousands of San José residents involved in
 >     the online Budget Games. After all, San José is the Capital of
 >     Silicon Valley so let's take community participation in the budget
 >     process to a whole new level. 
 >     Register today for the online Budget Games:
 >     https://docs.google.com/a/conteneo.co/spreadsheet/viewform?usp=dri
 >     ve_web&formkey=dE9QOWRzZktqT01EYjJ3RGVuUnVDUXc6MA#gid=0.
 >     For additional details, visit the City of San José website,
 >     http://www.where-I-live.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=581. 
 >     Lenka Wright
 >     City Manager's Office
 > 6 new replies
 >     Rudy O. from Vendome/Civic Center:
 >         If you participate in the Budget Games can also participate in
 >         the Neighborhood Associations and Youth Commission Priority
 >         Setting Session?
 >     Rudy O. from Vendome/Civic Center:
 >         If you participate in the Budget Games can you also
 >         participate in the Neighborhood Associations and Youth
 >         Commission Priority Setting Session?
 >     Matt N. from Almaden Mockingbird:
 >         I'm curious how the game will work.  I guess an hour
 >         commitment is not not too bad to have better insights into
 >         what city administrators have to deal with yearly. Okay, I'm
 >         in!  Thanks for setting the game up.  Very cool! Happy New
 >         Year!
 >     Matt N. from Almaden Mockingbird:
 >         Okay Rudy, please tell more about NAYC Priority Setting
 >         Session. Thanks!
 >     Communications O. from City of where-I-live:
 >         Matt N. - thanks for participating in the online Budget Games!
 >         For the Neighborhood Associations and Youth Commission
 >         Priority Setting Session, neighborhood leaders throughout San
 >         José along with youth commissioners will discuss and provide
 >         input on priorities for the Cityâ??s 2014-2015 Operating Budget.
 >         Neighborhood organizations have been contacted and can send up
 >         to three representatives. The public is welcome to attend and
 >         observe the discussion. The priority setting session is
 >         scheduled for 9 a.m. â?? 1:00 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18 in the San
 >         José City Hall Rotunda, 200 East Santa Clara Street. 
 >         Read more about it in the news release,
 >         http://www.piersystem.com/external/content/document/1914/20642
 >         46/1/where-I-live%20Budget%20Game%20extended%20online_20140108.p
 >         df.
 >     Communications O. from City of where-I-live:
 >         Rudy O. - You can either attend and participate in the
 >         in-person event or play online, but not both. Please see
 >         response above regarding the Priority Setting Session.
 >         In-person event attendees are encouraged to observe the online
 >         games. 
 >         Additional FAQs about the Budget Games are available here:
 >         http://conteneo.co/budget-games-faq/.
 > Shared with 299 neighborhoods
 > To view this post or to respond visit:
 > https://3japantownwhere-I-live.nextdoor.com/news_feed/?s=de&lc=219497&us=CITY_POST&ec
 > tdata=3nq76ILBvwSy%2Bs/m4mrUSRL0Ms39MrMVKzefi3iCTMl95/QTTK6FuTlJiJEMC0h/1hajkX7j
 > 7zZNq/4Wx2dCa5g3VIbhRxtI3VZumEHzSEkH0tl9eThd%2B5qQ3vyvKCtLdLA4XB%2BCP60FfXJIDHjz
 > UW9WsPffdvhw2IfDE%2BrxtQs%3D&post=3324802
 > You are receiving these posts because you are a resident of City of where-I-live. 
 > Note that
 > City of where-I-live staff do not have access to content on Nextdoor Japantown.
 > ---------
 > Staff Specialist Michelle Martinez from SJPD Central Division posted a message 
 > in Crime & Safety: 
 >     Cell phones and the Internet provide us with instant access to
 >     people and information.  This instant ability to communicate with
 >     people we know and donâ??t know raises safety and courtesy concerns,
 >     especially for children.  Are your children savvy about cyber
 >     communication?  Do they know whatâ??s appropriate to say and send
 >     and what isn't?  Do they know how to handle cyber bullies?  Are
 >     they bullies themselves, using text, email, voice and instant
 >     messages, or photos to embarrass, upset, or insult other kids?
 >     These are just a few of the issues you should consider talking to
 >     your children about.  We suggest that you have these conversations
 >     before your children receive their first phone.  Setting rules and
 >     consequences prior to setting them free in cyber space will
 >     hopefully prevent problems in the future.  Below are some
 >     questions you can work through with your children to establish
 >     clear and definite expectations for their safety.
 >     1.	What can you do or not do with your cell phone?
 >     2.	What is cyber-bullying?  Can it be done on a cell phone?
 >     3.	What should you do if you are sent a text or photo by someone
 >     you donâ??t know?
 >     4.	What should you do if you receive a text or photo from someone
 >     you know, but it is inappropriate or makes you feel
 >     uncomfortable?
 >     5.	If someone you donâ??t know asks you for personal information on
 >     the phone, what should you do?
 >     6.	If you receive a message on your cell phone with an offer to
 >     buy something, or if you receive an email offer, what should you
 >     do?
 >     7.	How do you stay aware of your surroundings when you are
 >     speaking or texting on the phone?  
 >     8.	What do you consider to be courteous behavior while using a
 >     cell phone?
 >     If your children know the rules for cell phone use as well as the
 >     consequences when they are used inappropriately, the phone can be
 >     a great communication tool.  Parents need to take the lead in
 >     creating a safe environment for their children.
 > Shared with 48 neighborhoods
 > To view this post or to respond visit:
 > https://3japantownwhere-I-live.nextdoor.com/news_feed/?s=de&lc=219478&us=CITY_POST&ec
 > tdata=3nq76ILBvwSy%2Bs/m4mrUSRL0Ms39MrMVKzefi3iCTMl95/QTTK6FuTlJiJEMC0h/1hajkX7j
 > 7zZNq/4Wx2dCa5g3VIbhRxtI3VZumEHzSEkH0tl9eThd%2B5qQ3vyvKCtLdLA4XB%2BCP60FfXJIDHjz
 > UW9WsPffdvhw2IfDE%2BrxtQs%3D&post=3330449
 > You are receiving these posts because you are a resident of SJPD Central 
 > Division. Note that
 > SJPD Central Division staff do not have access to content on Nextdoor 
 > Japantown.
 > These conversations are visible in Japantown and nearby neighborhoods.
 > --------
 > On Jan 9th, Diane Tripousis from Northside posted a message in General: 
 >     While letting our dogs out this morning, we observed smoke in the
 >     sky a few blocks away. I have subsequently turned on the morning
 >     news (KRON channel 4) to learn that there is a 5-alarm fire that
 >     broke out around 5:30 am in a large warehouse (~ 120,000 sq ft). 
 >     Over 100 firefighters are battling this fire.  Once of the
 >     businesses is Vintage Tile and another is a hay and feed
 >     business.
 >     They are advising that those in the area stay indoors with doors
 >     and windows closed; however, a formal shelter in place was not
 >     issued.  
 >     The fire is causing a major back-up along 101 and PG&E has cut
 >     power since there are lines adjacent to the structure.  Julian is
 >     closed at the overpass and cars are being diverted onto McKee
 >     since emergency vehicles are parked along Julian near the fire.  
 >     KRON announced that both Empire Gardens and Rocketship Charter
 >     elementary schools are closed due to the fire.  where-I-live High,
 >     which is at 24th & Julian, and Anne Darling Elementary, just
 >     across 101, are in session but now have no power.  It should be
 >     noted that we still have electrical service at our home on N.
 >     19th.
 >     SJFD's public information officer stated that they have knocked
 >     down the flames but that they will be dumping water on the
 >     structure for many hours to come.  CHP is advising that vehicles
 >     traveling in this area close their windows and use recirculating
 >     air rather than fresh air.
 >     Homeowners adjacent to the fire were interviewed and they praised
 >     firefighters for saving their homes by keeping the flames and
 >     embers from igniting their roofs.
 >     At this time there are no reports of injury.
 >     Diane
 > 2 new replies
 >     Joe Posadas from Northside:
 >         great summary- thanks
 >     Kari Davisson from Roosevelt:
 >         Thanks Diane.  Any smoke waft into the 19th street
 >         neighborhood?
 > Shared with Northside and 9 nearby neighborhoods
 > To view this post or to respond visit:
 > https://3japantownwhere-I-live.nextdoor.com/news_feed/?cs=old&s=de&lc=219515&us=COMME
 > NT_NN&ectdata=3nq76ILBvwSy%2Bs/m4mrUSRL0Ms39MrMVKzefi3iCTMl95/QTTK6FuTlJiJEMC0h/
 > 1hajkX7j7zZNq/4Wx2dCa6LVVI/I6DdK1XP90sLT5ncmBdUy%2Bk23TbHv1Yl76eI8IDSvxWwE1ukAvW
 > T6D2/LhHngwrR1I5%2BHSUwbjDIeLA8%3D&post=3329454
 > -----------------------
 > On Jan 7th, Carol Stevens from Northside posted a message in Classifieds: 
 >     For Sale: Grandmotherâ??s Johann Haviland China in Germany Blue
 >     Garden pattern. This set is in perfect shape (no
 >     chips/cracks/scratches), purchased, we believe, over time in the
 >     1960-70's. It has been safely stored in a hope chest ever since.
 >     Set includes place settings and serving pieces: 
 >     14 Dinner Plates 
 >     12 Appetizer Plates 
 >     7 Salad/Soup Bowls 
 >     4 Coffee Cups w/Saucers 
 >     8 Tea Cups w/Saucers 
 >     1 Large Platter 
 >     1 Medium Platter 
 >     2 Vegetable Bowls 
 >     1 Serving Tureen 
 >     1 Cream & Sugar Set 
 >     I have read that this set can withstand the dishwasher, but should
 >     not be used in the microwave, due to silver trim not being able to
 >     withstand microwave heat. It is not an overly delicate china and
 >     could potentially be used as an everyday set. A picture is
 >     attached, but I have additional ones that I can share with anyone
 >     who might be interested. Asking $75 for all 52 pieces.
 > 3 replies, 1 new
 >     Pat Ward from Northside:
 >         Have you sold the China?
 >         Regards
 >         Pat Ward
 > Shared with Northside and 9 nearby neighborhoods
 > To view this post and photo or to respond visit:
 > https://3japantownwhere-I-live.nextdoor.com/news_feed/?cs=old&s=de&lc=219529&us=COMME
 > NT_NN&ectdata=3nq76ILBvwSy%2Bs/m4mrUSRL0Ms39MrMVKzefi3iCTMl95/QTTK6FuTlJiJEMC0h/
 > 1hajkX7j7zZNq/4Wx2dCa6LVVI/I6DdK1XP90sLT5ncmBdUy%2Bk23TbHv1Yl76eI8IDSvxWwE1ukAvW
 > T6D2/LhHngwrR1I5%2BHSUwbjDIeLA8%3D&post=3312625
 > -----------------------
 > On Jan 5th, Dennis Kyne from Northside posted a message in Crime & Safety: 
 >     This evening, Sunday, I was walking back from Camera 12 up 5th by
 >     the parking garage and the le Petit Trianon theatre and out from
 >     behind a pole comes a kid who knew the area very well. He asked me
 >     for money, stalked me across 5th, told me his friends were up on
 >     the corner.  It was enough to make me seek shelter in the theatre.
 >     He was able to track me as I walked through the theatre, as they
 >     were hosting an event, out the back door and onto 4th.  He was
 >     there waiting for me by the elementary school.  I have walked down
 >     the street for twenty years and this is as fearful as I have ever
 >     been. The boldness and brashness of this person to do this while a
 >     major function was going on at the theatre was a totally new
 >     experience for me downtown.  Does anyone know what is happening in
 >     that area Near Townsend Automotive?
 > 15 replies, 1 new
 >     Chuck Taylor from Northside:
 >         Some various agencies are now aware of this problem. Here are
 >         portions of 2 emails that have been received in response to
 >         the issue:
 >         "The area described below has been a spot that has been on our
 >         radar because it tends to be a â??hang-outâ?? for folks who often
 >         loiter or pan-handle on 5th Street.  We have worked with DOT
 >         on providing more security coverage during the week since city
 >         staff parks in the nearby garage.  Our efforts have actually
 >         resulted in some improvement over there.
 >         On the weekends however; the parking garage is open to the
 >         public, including patrons of the church and Le Petit Trianon. 
 >         There are roving mobile units from the contract security
 >         company who patrol the garage but since these folks are
 >         technically on the sidewalk; it really becomes an issue for
 >         where-I-live Police to address.  I would encourage anyone who
 >         experiences this type of harassment to call 911 to report it
 >         so police can respond.  SJPD really needs to be made aware
 >         that this kind of activity is taking place and figure out how
 >         to address citizenâ??s concerns walking through there.
 >         I am happy to forward this information to Martin Baron who
 >         manages the downtown parking garages and surface lots.  He has
 >         recently been in contact with the church over there to let
 >         them know of this kind of unwanted activity was occurring
 >         right in front of their property.  Martin was instrumental
 >         getting some the concerns addressed in that area." 
 >         -  Department of Public Works
 >         "Weâ??ve heard about the group of young men hanging out in front
 >         of the automotive shop. They were previously hanging out in
 >         front of the church near that corner but the church and PD
 >         were able to get them to move. They moved away for a while but
 >         have since returned. PD is going to start clamping down on the
 >         loitering and behavior again though." 
 >         - Office of Councilmember Sam Liccardo
 > Shared with Northside and 9 nearby neighborhoods
 > To view this post or to respond visit:
 > https://3japantownwhere-I-live.nextdoor.com/news_feed/?cs=old&s=de&lc=219543&us=COMME
 > NT_NN&ectdata=3nq76ILBvwSy%2Bs/m4mrUSRL0Ms39MrMVKzefi3iCTMl95/QTTK6FuTlJiJEMC0h/
 > 1hajkX7j7zZNq/4Wx2dCa6LVVI/I6DdK1XP90sLT5ncmBdUy%2Bk23TbHv1Yl76eI8IDSvxWwE1ukAvW
 > T6D2/LhHngwrR1I5%2BHSUwbjDIeLA8%3D&post=3299004
 > -----------------------
 > On Jan 7th, Virginia Thomas from Hensley posted a message in General: 
 >     Hello,
 >     I wanted to introduce myself to you and let you know that I was
 >     appointed Parks Commissioner for the City of where-I-live.  The
 >     Commission is comprised of 10 Commissioners and these are
 >     volunteer positions.  We meet once a month and have a full agenda
 >     of various SJ City Departments that roll up to Parks...check out
 >     SJ Family Camp at Yosemite and sign up.
 >     Also, I'm a Realtor with Keller Williams and if you have any
 >     question about the market, want to know your home value, need a
 >     lender, etc., please contact me http://www.pacbell.net/~ginnyth
 >     Virginia
 > 2 replies, 1 new
 >     Hannelore McCrumb from Horace Mann:
 >         Welcome, Virginia!
 > Shared with Hensley and 7 nearby neighborhoods

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