Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII I'm going to have some of my mixed media art displayed! --Noelle > From: Kathleen Powell <> > Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:56:29 -0800 > > Greetings, Artist! > > If you're receiving this e-mail, it's because you've applied to > have your work > displayed at Clockwork Alchemy and your application has been > accepted. What I > need from you now is as follows: > > 1.) A list of titles for all the things you wish to have > displayed at the > gallery. The application system only gives space for two pieces, > but there is > no actual limit for the number of pieces we can accept. We may > not display > everything you bring us, but we would like to have as much art > available as > possible to fill the gallery. > > 2.) Display requirements for your work. Will we be putting it on > the wall or > displaying it on a table, or will the pieces stand alone? How > much space will > the pieces occupy? Do you need us to provide you with any > special equipment > such as mannequins or jeweler's busts? > > 3.) Will any of your work be interactive? If so, which pieces > will be > interactive and should any type of warning be included to avoid > damage or > injury? > > 4.) Would you be interested in hosting a meet-and-greet session > in which you > can meet admirers, exchange contact information, and tell people > a little more > about your art?* If so, which time slots would you prefer? > > 5.) Will you be attending the convention? If not, will it be > possible for me to > meet you beforehand to pick up the art, or will it need to be > shipped? > > If you have any further questions or need anything else, please > feel free to > contact me. Thank you again for sharing your art with us, and > I look forward > to seeing you in May! > > - Kat Powell > Gallery Coordinator > Clockwork Alchemy 2014 > > * I can't make any promises right now, but I may be able to > arrange it so that > artist meet-n-greets count toward badge reimbursement (three hours > of > volunteer programming gets you a free convention badge). I'll let > you know > when I have more information.