go to http://www.willowglenyoga.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/WGS_Yoga-and-TRE_LetterSize.pdf on Sunday tell No about how find Dana Boyd extremely annoying see 2/28/14 science friday read how Bitcoin limits the block reward size https://www.google.com/#q=limit+block+reward+bitcoin call barber to see if any open hair cut appointments === help No get photos downloaded from iPad === ==== try upgrading libglib2.0-0 ==== ==== wait for reply in forums.debian.net ==== === look to see if ifuse/libimobiledevice4/libimobiledevice-utils has been fixed === * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libimobiledevice/+bug/1207812?comments=all * http://www.webwarper.net/ww/askubuntu.com/questions/151584/how-to-copy-existing-movie-files-on-ipad-to-watch go to http://www.willowglenyoga.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/WGS_Yoga-and-TRE_LetterSize.pdf tomorrow schedule an audio test with Dr. Sajjadi restore forwarding of chocolate decadence email to Noelle expect Noelle to go to Heather's tomorrow night check for mouse entry holes look for "Go Vegan" KPFA commentary podcast