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RE: summer internships

I pasted in the latest mail from my boss below.

Alex?  When were you planning on interning?  I assume that it would be
during the summer months.  Do you have any approximate dates in mind?

Feel free to ask any questions of me, or any requests, or send me any
concerns, worries, hesitations, etc.

 > From: Leon
 > Here's where things are at now. We'll still have to finalize on the hourly
 > pay. 
 > When would he start/end?
 > Begin forwarded message:
 > 	From: Scott
 > 	Date: March 13, 2014 at 4:18:44 PM PDT
 > 	To: Leon
 > 	I got verbal approval from John. Do you have a tentative start
 > 	date?  Not sure if it's too early or not but once we are sure he
 > 	is committed then I think we start filling out the contacting
 > 	paperwork through the farmerinthedell portal.  I have a contact at the
 > 	contracting firm who I can reach out to on this.  How does <snip>
 > 	an hour sound?  There is a bunch of paper work required by him,
 > 	including a background check and drug screen.  It takes some time
 > 	(potentially weeks).  Once that is done it will trigger the
 > 	approval process which includes finance (Wendy).  The amount may
 > 	be so small John can approve it directly.
 > 	--Scott

Why do you want this page removed?