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FW: CDC's Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness

 > From: "Nextdoor Japantown" <http://www.r.email.nextdoor.com/~nextdoor>
 > Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 22:13:47 +0000
 > CITY OF where-I-live POSTS
 > ---------
 > Office of Emergency Services from City of where-I-live posted a message in General: 
 >     Hello where-I-live,
 >     FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is organizing the
 >     first ever National Day of Action scheduled for April 30th, 2014.
 >     This is all part of the â??Americaâ??s PrepareAthon!â?? campaign. 
 >     Everyone can participate as individuals or as a community. You
 >     and/or your neighborhood are encouraged to register your plans on
 >     March 31st. All of the details can be found at the following
 >     link.
 >     http://www.ready.gov/prepare
 >     Be Smart. Take Part. Prepare. 
 >     If your neighborhood plans something we will advertise it for you
 >     on our where-I-live Prepared Facebook page. We encourage everyone to
 >     be ready for whatever comes our way. 
 >     If you have any questions or would like more information you can
 >     call us on our main office line 408-794-7055.
 >     Joanne Bartholdy
 > 4 new replies
 >     James W. from Doerr:
 >         I have to say that while I believe this is a good initiative
 >         regarding awareness, that it seems a bit less than optimal,
 >         and yet another way for FEMA to cover it's losses.
 >         I would prefer to see a localized neighborhood event where
 >         people meet in person and discuss preparedness techniques,
 >         targeting not only the basics, but also those that are
 >         specific to the area.
 >         Thoughts?  Agenda items would include first aid, food and
 >         clothing preparedness, and more.
 >     Ken F. from Pinehurst:
 >         Hi Joanne:
 >         Iâ??m confused.  In this documentation, the list has events that
 >         most likely are not going to affect our community; but does
 >         not list earthquakes, which will most assuredly hit sooner or
 >         later.  I realize out of all of them flooding could occur in
 >         areas prone to such events, but tornados and wildfires are
 >         least likely, unless something catastrophic happens; such as
 >         an earthquake.  Most likely they will result of the
 >         earthquake.  Just wondering out loud.
 >         Thanks,
 >         Ken
 >         Lewiston Dr
 >         Pinehurst SD
 >     Mark T. from Greater Rose Garden:
 >         I think CDC's tongue-in-check Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness
 >         guide was infinitely more useful, as it basically went through
 >         your basic safety and family plan, as well as linking to the
 >         basics you would want to have in your portable emergency kit.
 >         http://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/2011/05/preparedness-
 >         101-zombie-apocalypse/
 >         and
 >         http://emergency.cdc.gov/preparedness/kit/disasters/
 >         -Mark
 >     Office of Emergency Services from City of where-I-live:
 >         Hello All, thanks for the comments and conversation. Yes this
 >         is a National Campaign. But the whole idea is to make it local
 >         and certainly to tailor it to whatever information you would
 >         like your neighborhoods to focus on. Just getting together and
 >         talking about emergency preparedness is a great start. Let us
 >         know if you would like help or pointers. You can always call
 >         our main office at 408-794-7055. And yes we are big fans of
 >         the CDC Zombie Apocalypse.
 > Shared with 329 neighborhoods

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