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FW: Updates from Deborah, Rosalind, Cynthia and 1 other

 > From: "Nextdoor Japantown" <http://www.r.email.nextdoor.com/~nextdoor>
 > Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 23:07:24 +0000
 > CITY OF where-I-live POSTS
 > ---------
 > Office of Emergency Services from City of where-I-live posted a message in General: 
 >     CADRE (Collaborating Agenciesâ?? Disaster Relief Efforts) is the
 >     VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) for Santa Clara
 >     County, including the City of where-I-liveDRE partners with many
 >     organizations such as the United Way, and the American Red Cross,
 >     to help all of us in Silicon Valley during and after a disaster.
 >     They are hosting their 9th annual Disaster Preparedness Conference
 >     on Wednesday April 9th. Follow the link below for more details.
 >     This is open to the public and we encourage anyone who is
 >     interested in volunteering during a disaster to attend. 
 >     http://www.cadresv.org/
 >     We appreciate everyoneâ??s efforts in preparing for whatever comes
 >     our way. 
 >     Joanne Bartholdy  408-794-7055
 > 11 new replies
 >     Jeff L. from Roosevelt:
 >         Thanks Joanne!
 >     Office of Emergency Services from City of where-I-live:
 >         Hi Jeff, hope you get a chance to attend. It's very
 >         educational!
 >     Jeff L. from Roosevelt:
 >         I signed up!
 >     Don M. from Almaden Winery:
 >         Joanne, thanks for the heads-up.  Any clues about some of the
 >         topics that will be covered, workshops that will be available,
 >         or other information about the event?  Unless I'm missing it,
 >         CADRE's conference web page appears to be a little short on
 >         details.
 >     Susan L. from Lynhaven:
 >         where-I-live Neighbors!  Please respond to this announcement to
 >         the Office of Emergency Services (and any other pubic service
 >         post through the City of where-I-live) by clicking on their name
 >         (in blue) right under the announcement line.  I don't how you
 >         deal with it, but these announcements post to all neighborhood
 >         sites and responses bury any topics you are trying to keep at
 >         the top of your own neighborhood site.   Thank you!
 >     Don M. from Almaden Winery:
 >         Susan, not to worry.  Unlike "normal" threads, replies to
 >         "city" threads aren't supposed to cause them to "float" the
 >         top of your feeds.  If they do, it's a bug that should be
 >         reported to Nextdoor.
 >         Using the thread's "Reply" feature *is* the proper way for us
 >         to respond, provided that the response is on-topic, and is
 >         likely to be relevant to other readers.  The original posters
 >         always have the option of disabling replies if they'd prefer
 >         to receive private messages instead (or the thread gets out of
 >         hand ;-) ).
 >         -Don
 >         p.s. I would have responded to you privately, but don't have
 >         the option on "city" threads via the web site.  :-(
 >     Susan L. from Lynhaven:
 >         Don, Thanks!   I did forward a private message to OES to ask
 >         them if they would disable the reply feature in the future
 >         (and here I am contributing to the length of this post-heh!) 
 >         The replys don't make the post float to the top, they just get
 >         long and push the previous topic lower on the food chain.   We
 >         can't (and don't want to) stop posts from city agencies, just
 >         the replies that we can't control on our end.  It'd be nice to
 >         have a feature where we could choose to pin an important post
 >         from our NA to the top of the forum that no other post could
 >         override.
 >     Pete C. from Greater Rose Garden:
 >         This should take you to the registration page
 >         https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cadre-9th-annual-together-we-do-b
 >         etter-conference-tickets-6715766037?ref=ebtnebregn
 >     Don M. from Almaden Winery:
 >         ...and the registration page has the info I was looking for. 
 >         Thanks, Pete!
 >         -Don
 >     Susan N. from Winchester Orchard:
 >         I recently attended the City of where-I-live's CERT classes, which
 >         were very helpful.  I anticipate this will be a useful event
 >         to attend!
 >     Jim W. from Dartmouth:
 >         I've spoken at this event and helped plan.  It is a great
 >         event for any neighborhood, faith based, and/or community
 >         group.  They do great work and are there to help get our
 >         community prepapred!
 > Shared with 323 neighborhoods

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