Rebate Application Success
You have successfully submitted your HET Toilet Rebate application:
Application ID: 640
Application Date |
2014-03-26 06:34:32 |
Application Status |
Submitted |
Applicant's Name |
Robert |
Water Retailer |
Water Account Number |
4086120000-0 |
Phone 1 |
my-Oakland-voicemail-number | Cel |
Phone 2 |
| Home |
Email | |
Number of bathrooms |
1 |
Dwelling type |
SF |
Previous Participant |
No |
Prev Part Type |
Not Selected |
Prev Part toilets |
Own or Rent |
NA |
How did you hear about the program? |
Not Selected |
Purchased OnLine |
N |
Store Name |
Lowes |
Store Address |
750 Newhall Drive
where-I-live |
Toilet Table
Toilet 1 |
Toilet 2 |
Toilet 3 |
Brand |
Kohler |
Not Selected |
Model Name |
Cimarron EL ADA |
Not Selected |
Model Number |
K-98976: 4309 bowl, 4421 tank |
Not Selected |
Quantity |
1 |
0 |
Flush Type |
Single Flush |
Not Selected |
Pre-Tax Price |
$ 219.00 |
Purchase Date |
2014-02-22 |
Install Date |
2014-03-04 |
Install Address |
| |
Pay To Address |
where-I-live |
Applicant's IP address | |
Steps to follow:
- Please mail a copy of your most recent water bill and original receipt for the purchase of the qualifying toilet(s) to:
ConserVision Consulting
451 Los Gatos Boulevard, Suite 104
Los Gatos, CA 95032
- HET Rebates are approved for qualifying sites within Santa Clara County with existing toilets that have not been funded, installed, distributed, or provided through any other SCVWD funded program.
- Only toilets approved by the SCVWD are eligible for a rebate. A list of SCVWD approved PREMIUM model HETs and non-premium HETs is available at the following website:
- Residents are limited to three rebates per single-family household. Multi-family residential property owners, businesses, and agencies are only limited by the number of qualifying toilets on site.
- Approved HET toilets must be installed at the approved site within Santa Clara County.
- The following must be completed within 90 days from the purchase date of the qualifying toilet(s):
- the toilet(s) must be installed and functional, and
- a completed High Efficiency Toilet Rebate Program Application and original receipt for the purchase of the qualifying toilets must be received by ConserVision Consulting.
- Installation costs are not covered by this rebate.
- The rebate does not cover labor for the new installation of toilets. Instead, the rebate only covers the cost of qualifying toilets that replace exiting toilets.
- Rebates of $600 or more can be considered taxable income by the IRS and the State. If you are applying for rebates totaling $600 or more, then you must complete and sign an IRS W-9 Form.
- Although you may submit a High Efficiency Toilet Rebate Program Application online, you must mail the original sales receipt or itemized invoice as well as a copy of your most recent water bill and a completed W-9 Form (if you are seeking rebates totaling $600 or more) to ConserVision Consulting with your online Application ID. This number will be provided to you via email once your online application is approved. You will not receive a rebate unless an original sales receipt (or itemized invoice), a copy of a recent water bill, and a completed W-9 (if you are seeking rebates totaling $600 or more) has been received by ConserVision Consulting. If you purchased your toilet online, you are required to include a printed receipt from your computer along with the original packing list that comes with the toilet. If you are not applying online, you will need to complete a High Efficiency Toilet (HET) Rebate Program Application and mail it with the required materials described above.
- If you would like your original receipt(s) returned to you, please include an extra copy of your original sales receipt(s) along with a self addressed stamped envelope when mailing your materials to ConserVision Consulting.
- Mail your original sales receipt(s), copy of your water bill, and W-9 (if the rebate amount you are seeking is $600 or more) along with your Application ID number to:
ConserVision Consulting
451 Los Gatos Boulevard, Suite 104
Los Gatos, CA 95032
- Incomplete applications and those without original receipts will not be processed.
- SCVWD staff and/or ConserVision Consulting will be contacting you to verify the toilet(s) installed prior to processing your rebate application. A pre and/or post installation inspection may be required by ConserVision Consulting or SCVWD. In addition, you may be required to submit photos of the qualifying toilets installed.
- Please allow 10 to 12 weeks for your rebate to be processed from the time your completed rebate application is received by ConserVision Consulting. To check on the status of your rebate, gp to this link: and enter the email address and password you provided in your rebate application.