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FW: Share your feelings with the FCC

 > From: "Josh Levy, FreePress.net" <http://www.freepress.net/~info>
 > Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 19:01:23 +0000
 >    Dear Robert,
 >    The FCC's proposed Internet rules are out -- and they're terrible.
 >    As we feared, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is pushing a plan that would allow
 >    rampant discrimination online. If approved, these rules would mean the end
 >    of Net Neutrality.
 >    But not all is lost. The FCC has opened up a formal comment period for us
 >    to weigh in on its proposal. This is our chance to tell the agency what we
 >    think of its plan to allow a corporate takeover of the Internet.
 >    [2]Tell the FCC to throw out its rules and reclassify Internet service
 >    providers as common carriers. This is the ONLY way to protect real Net
 >    Neutrality.
 >    Chairman Wheeler's plan would let ISPs like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon
 >    create a two-tiered Internet, with fast lanes for those who can afford the
 >    extra fees -- and a slow dirt road for the rest of us.
 >    These companies would have the power to pick winners and losers online and
 >    discriminate against online content and applications. And no one would be
 >    able to do anything about it.
 >    But we have a way to fight back: We can use this comment period to tell
 >    the FCC what we think of its plan. We've [3]created a simple way for you
 >    to tell Wheeler and his colleagues -- in your own words -- why they must
 >    reject these rules and instead move to protect real Net Neutrality.
 >    The tide of opposition to the FCC's proposal is rising. Millions of
 >    activists and hundreds of organizations and companies have spoken out
 >    against this plan. If more of us speak up, we can get rid of these rules
 >    and protect Net Neutrality for good. [4]Please take a moment to send your
 >    comments now. We'll make sure they get filed for you.
 >    Thanks for all that you do--
 >    Josh, Candace, Misty and the rest of the Free Press team
 >    [5]freepress.net
 >    P.S. This spring and summer we're ramping up on the organizing front to
 >    save Net Neutrality. [6]Please chip in $10 (or more!) to help support our
 >    work. Thank you!
 > References
 >    Visible links
 >    1. http://act.freepress.net/sign/internet_fcc_nprm/?t=1001&akid=4785.10291800.F2TsUt
 >    2. http://act.freepress.net/sign/internet_fcc_nprm/?t=1002&akid=4785.10291800.F2TsUt
 >    3. http://act.freepress.net/sign/internet_fcc_nprm/?t=1003&akid=4785.10291800.F2TsUt
 >    4. http://act.freepress.net/sign/internet_fcc_nprm/?t=1004&akid=4785.10291800.F2TsUt
 >    5. http://act.freepress.net/go/183?t=1005&akid=4785.10291800.F2TsUt
 >    6. https://act.freepress.net/donate/internet_15_15/?source=internet_nprm_comment&t=1006&akid=4785.10291800.F2TsUt
 > References
 >    Visible links
 >    1. freepress.net
 > 	http://freepress.net/?akid=4785.10291800.F2TsUt

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