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Re: Dogbar 5:30-8:30 5.25.14 Gloucester if you are interested

Well, the dogbar does sound like an appealing place to saddle up to.

 > From: "Bhavani" <http://www.myself.com/~Bhavani>
 > Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 19:02:37 -0400
 > Hello All-
 > This is getting darn silly. I did this boo boo before and I better be more 
 > careful!! The Robert's come up automatically and I must double check 'em . 
 > Maybe there is a reason to let Robert B, know what we're up to. Or maybe he 
 > wants to be invited  ~Bhavani
 > ----- Original Message -----
 > From: Noelle
 > Sent: 05/20/14 01:27 PM
 > To: Robert
 > Subject: Re: Dogbar 5:30-8:30 5.25.14 Gloucester if you are interested
 > somehow Bhavani's son robert got CCed here! --from Bhavani's daughter-in-law

Why do you want this page removed?