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RE: Marnie ishaving her gallbladder surgery TODAY at 2ish today!!

We wish her luck.

From: Bhavani [http://www.myself.com/~Bhavani]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 11:20 AM
To: robert
Cc: Flora ;, Christopher J; Noelle; Alice Hinchcliffe; 
Robert; Anne Marie Lavigne
Subject: Marnie ishaving her gallbladder surgery TODAY at 2ish today!!

May 28, 2014
Marnie is finally going to have her gallbladder out!!  She will be at Anna 
Jaques hospital in Newburyport.  This is close to where she lives.  She will be 
returning home with us she is released from the recovery room.
Love from her Mom & Dad

H: my-parents's-New-Hampshire-phone-number
C: my-mom's-cellphone-number
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is 
not to stop questioning.~Albert Einstein

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