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FW: Fwd: Can you help again?

 > From: Michael Kramer <http://www.pianospree.com/~mk>
 > Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2014 08:22:14 -0700
 > To: Michael Kramer <http://www.pianospree.com/~mk>, Betty Beach <http://www.gmail.com/~bettybeach1>, 
 >	tappie dufresne <http://profiles.yahoo.com/emptyspacewellness>, 
 >	"Judith L. Katz" <http://profiles.yahoo.com/judithkatz>, 
 >	Lori Kontry <http://www.aol.com/~AlloAllo76>, 
 >	Ann Krilanovich <http://www.insurancedynamics.com/~ann>, 
 >	Mary Mesenburg <http://www.aol.com/~Marysaje>, 
 >	"Renee Rivera RN, DAS, RYT" <http://www.gmail.com/~reneerivera108>, 
 >	"Dr. Peter Su" <http://www.hotmail.com/~drpetersu>, 
 >	Vera Anishchuk <http://www.hotmail.com/~veraon>, 
 >	"Breana (Feiller) Chan, MBA" <http://www.gmail.com/~breanachan217>, 
 >	Chase Livingston <http://www.aol.com/~jetgerl>, 
 >	Steve Green <http://www.lithium.com/~steve.green>, 
 >	Pete Abrams <http://www.gmail.com/~pabramsu4>, Sam Hicks <http://www.usa.net/~smicks>
 > Hi, folks, it?s me again/still.
 > I?m writing to you because I know you have an interest in making things better 
 > in the way this country is governed.  This is about a recent move to restore 
 > democracy to the government, and it is showing such exciting success so far, I 
 > have to see who will help me spread the word.  I rarely try to recruit the 
 > people I know to address societal concerns, so you can imagine that I think 
 > this one is important.  
 > As always, some ultra-rich people seek - and almost always succeed - to buy 
 > politicians with huge, selfish returns on the investment.  Lawrence Lessig has 
 > been fighting this dynamic for a long time.  His latest idea of pooling large 
 > numbers of small contributions into a citizen?s PAC (political action committee)
 >  has quickly surpassed its first milestone, providing in excess of $2M (
 > including a matching fund from a few philanthropists) to work on 5 US Assembly 
 > seats for candidates who will owe their allegiance only to their voters.  The 
 > organizers are taking no money; all contributions go toward creating and airing 
 > dynamite ads by the best in advertising.  
 > The next phase of this effort is to publicize what has happened, grow the base 
 > of supporters, and scale up the operation.  This will be done on June 4 with a 
 > Thunderclap campaign, whereby I have given one time access to my social media (
 > in my case, Facebook) for a message about this stuff to come out in unison with 
 > thousands of others.  With those who have signed up so far, the message can 
 > already reach 7 million people, and I?m hoping many of you will offer a single 
 > message on your social media for this campaign.  I?ve been working for many 
 > years on trying to wrest government control from a greedy few whose 
 > self-interest trumps their concern (if any) for the public good.  At some point 
 > in an apparently losing battle against corruption, there comes a point when 
 > enough people stop getting fooled by misleading ads.  
 > Please join me in helping to get the message out and see what people can do 
 > together about this problem.  Here are links to the Thunderclap and more about 
 > the people?s PAC.
 > Thanks for you attention, and much gratitude for your support.
 > ~
 > Begin forwarded message:
 > > From: Lawrence Lessig <http://www.mayone.us/~lessig>
 > > Subject: Can you help again? 
 > > Date: June 1, 2014 at 8:37:40 AM PDT
 > > To: Michael Kramer <http://www.pianospree.com/~mk>
 > > 
 > > You were incredibly kind to support the MaydayPAC's first Thunderclap 
 > > campaign. As I hope you heard, it was an incredible success. We raised $1M in 
 > > 13 days, giving us two weeks to prepare for round 2.
 > > 
 > > We're now about to launch the second stage on June 4 (so we'll finish on 
 > > Independence Day).
 > > 
 > > Could you take a second to support our second Thunderclap campaign? Here's 
 > > the link:
 > > 
 > > http://bit.ly/MD-Thunder2
 > > 
 > > And here's tons of thanks for everything you've done so far.
 > > 
 > > -Lessig
 > > 

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