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Re: Genographic Projest

 On Thu, 12 Jun 2014, Bhavani wrote:
 > Surprising!! My first reference population: German!
 > This reference population is based on samples collected from people native
 > to Germany. The dominant 46% Northern European component likely reflects the
 > earliest settlers in Europe 35,000 years ago. The 36% Mediterranean and 17%
 > Southwest Asian percentages probably arrived later.
 > My second reference population: Greek! This reference population is based on
 > samples collected from the native population of Greece. The 54%
 > Mediterranean and 17% Southwest Asian percentages reflect the strong
 > influence of agriculturalists from the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East,
 > who arrived here more than 8,000 years ago. The 28% Northern European....
 > Noelle, what was your First and second reference population?

I'm 46% Mediterranean(Tuscan--Italy)
35% Northern European(Britain--they didn't say Scotland,but it's obvious)
19% SW Asian

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