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FW: excess powerlessness

[Michael is a big Harry Shearer fan.  Hence, the subject.]

 > From: Michael Kramer <http://www.pianospree.com/~mk>
 > Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 21:08:43 -0700
 > To: Michael Kramer <http://www.pianospree.com/~mk>, 
 > 	Heather Blackmore <http://www.beckon.com/~heather>, 
 > 	"http://www.btsmith.net/~bts"; <http://www.btsmith.net/~bts>, Karen Byrd <http://www.comcast.net/~karenbyrd>, 
 > 	Mark Caruso <http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~mcaruso>, 
 > 	Chris Collins <http://profiles.yahoo.com/chris_j_collins>, 
 > 	Keith Ewing <http://www.lmco.com/~keith.ewing>, Jon Gifford <http://www.loggly.com/~jon>, 
 > 	Steve Green <http://www.lithium.com/~steve.green>, Sam Hicks <http://www.usa.net/~smicks>, 
 > 	"jochen@beckon" <http://www.beckon.com/~jochen>, 
 > 	"http://www.gmail.com/~jzeszut"; <http://www.gmail.com/~jzeszut>, 
 > 	Erin Korogodsky <http://www.beckon.com/~erin>, Robert Logan <http://www.gmail.com/~robot.login>, 
 > 	Connie Martin <http://www.gmail.com/~conniemartin1>, 
 > 	DeAnna Ramirez <http://www.lithium.com/~deanna.ramirez>
 > Like, hi, again.  It?s me, seriously (for a change).  Excess powerlessness is 
 > the illusion that we cannot muster enough power to make a difference.
 > With the Mayday PAC  we can test this without the risk that our contributions 
 > will become a few lost drops in a bottomless bucket.  Can we, collectively, 
 > amass a financial force enough to counter the giant financial forces the have 
 > hijacked our democracy?  If we don?t reach the goal of $5 million, we get a 
 > refund.  But what is it worth to see what happens if we do?  
 > For me, it has come out somewhere around 600 bucks.  Everything helps.  The 
 > reckoning will be on July 4th, so it?s down to the wire.  Please check out the 
 > Mayday PAC and join this effort.  We?re most of the way there.  See how the 
 > Mayday PAC will specifically use the money.
 > A return to a much better semblance of democracy is possible, but not if you 
 > talk yourself into hopelessness and passivity.  Try it, A? Thanks for 
 > considering this!
 > ~mk

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