Were we planning to go to this [after a hard day of potluck-ing]? > From: Priya <http://www.meetup.com/~info> > Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 14:53:02 -0400 > > Your Organizer, Priya, sent the following message to some members of South Bay DINKs and SINKs: > > Hello friends, > > San Pedro Square Market is a public market located in the heart of downtown where-I-live. The lively Market includes approximately 20 plus unique vendors selling everything from farm fresh vegetables to great sandwiches and beautiful imported kitchenware. It has a mix of new restaurants, as well as veteran eating establishments. Plenty of outdoor, European-style café seating. > > Some of the restaurants that you can choose from include: Pizza Boca Lupo, Robee's Falafal, Cre Paris (crepes), On a Roll (Vietnamese Spring Roll) and Bellano Coffee. The complete list is here: SPSM ,http://www.sanpedrosquaremarket.com/eat/, . > > The place consists of a few buildings, with the plaza in between them. We will meet at 12:30 pm at the plaza, and find a table. Then each of us can go get the meal we want. > If you park in the San Pedro Square large parking garage across the street, please bring your entry ticket to the San Pedro Square Market Bar for validation. > More info on the place is here ,http://www.sanpedrosquaremarket.com/about-san-pedro-square-market/, . > > To RSVP, please go to the event page ,http://www.meetup.com/South-Bay-DINKs-and-SINKs/events/192633382/, . > > -Priya