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Back from Turkey, update on the Bhutan guest house, harvester ants, farts and more 2-8 (fwd)

 > From: Michael Ellis <http://www.footlooseforays.com/~mjellis>
 > Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 20:30:13 -0700
 > July 18, 2014
 > Hello everyone:
 > A quick note?if you don't want to receive these let me know and I will 
 > remove you from the e-mail list. And I apologize in advance. I only send out 
 > about 35 of these a year or less. And if you really like hearing from me 
 > then you can request that I add you to my friends and family list.  That one 
 > goes out once or twice a week at the very most.
 > My most recent Perspective  for KQED radio was on harvester ants. You may 
 > listen to it at the following link. -  
 > http://www.kqed.org/a/perspectives/R201406200735.
 > On Tuesday, 29 July I will be a guest on Michael Krasny's forum on KQED at 
 > the 10 AM slot. I have known Michael since  the late 1980s when he was on 
 > KGO-AM  at the 9   to 11:00 PM slot. Believe me that was a different  
 > listening audience. We always have a good time and it's a live show, of 
 > course, so feel free to tune in and call in.  Those of you in other parts of 
 > the country can listen to it on the net.

Why do you want this page removed?