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Flex Spending Account enrollment and calculation

Do you have any medical or dental work that you'll be getting next year?

Note that we can now carry over up to $500 from year to year.  Hence, the
"slush" entry below.


 Flexible Spending Account
 Deduction Worksheet
 This worksheet will help you calculate your applicable expenses and how
 much money would be in an FSA deduction each pay period.

 Medical/Dental/Vision Reimbursement Account
  Annual Medical Expenses, such as:
  Deductibles and co-pays             $ _____________
  Routine physical exams              $ _____________
  Prescriptions                       $ _____________
  Chiropractic care                   $ _____________
  Other                               $ _____________
 Annual Dental Expenses, such as:
  Deductibles and co-pays             $ _____________
  Routine check-ups                   $ __________240
  Orthodontia                         $ _____________
  Other                               $ _____________
 Annual Vision Care Expenses, such as:
  Exams                               $ _____________
  Eyeglasses                          $ __________300
  Contact lenses, solutions, cleaners $ _____________
  Other                               $ _____________
 Slush                                $ __________400
 Total Estimated
 Medical/Dental/Vision Expenses
   $ _____________ + _________________  = $ __________
     Annual Amount   # of Pay Periods*     Per Pay Period
     (cannot exceed
      company max.)

 *Weekly, 52 pay periods Biweekly, 26 pay periods Semimonthly,
  24 pay periods Monthly, 12 pay periods

 FSA009 8/05

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