Dear Flora ...know that Dad the key was made up was at a regular key place. [ IMAGE] , mg/smileys/classic/objects/objects022.gif, Also, I might ? go to the basement and get the other CD case for (Flora) you. That could be put in the xra car when the Mini-Cooper i s is delivered in New London. I can't believe that the packers will be here Tues!! . ..the car transporter also for the other two vehicles!! Wednesday everything that we are taking to will be gone!! ...dishes, pans, toaster, microwave, tv's clothes... [IMAGE] , mg/smileys/classic/home/home044.gif, We r leaving, as U know, Oct. 22nd- 2 days before our 50th wedding anniversary. [IMAGE] , mg/smileys/classic/love/love014.gif, Love, Mom PS We hope to come visit when the weather is not too wild in VT. Looking forward to SEEING YOU and the whole family. ....seeing Grandma's dining room set all together would be wonderful!! PS We might be able to see you before we leave on our next adventure to begin our next life's chapter. , mg/smileys/classic/objects/objects022.gif, Okay. Sound good. On Oct 11, 2014, at 2:10 PM, "Bhavani" < ,, > wrote: Dad packed all his extra keys so we mail it to U when we unpack.