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Re: FW: SBCC HIT/MCS Advisory Board Meeting 10/29 Agenda and Call In Information

 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 09:23:30 -0400
 >  Can I use laptop or home computer for cccconfer?

The laptop would definitely work, but you should only use that for work.

Have you tried visiting cccconfer.org to see if the software will work?

 > From: Janet Robertson [http://www.sbcc.edu/~robertso]
 > Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 4:47 PM
 > To: Denise Harrison; Lynette Williamson; http://www.aol.com/~premeau; Debra Slusarczyk; Donna Thompson; Mary Wilkinson; Sharon Lewis; Shawna Sweeney; http://www.kp.org/~mary.jo.jenkins; Debra Collingwood; Alizondo, Maria Caban; Jean Heck; Alisa Stinn; Hui-ching Hsu-marcotte; Cindy Doyon; Alan Price; Noelle; Wanda Ziemba; Marti (martha) Bundy
 > Subject: SBCC HIT/MCS Advisory Board Meeting 10/29 Agenda and Call In Information
 > Hi Everyone,
 > I have attached the agenda for our next call on 10/29 at 4pm.  The call in information is located at the top of the agenda.
 > We are using CCCConfer for the call.  CCCConfer has several options for meetings.  We usually use Call and Confer.  However, this time I set it up as Meet and Confer.  That mean if you are at a computer, you can call into the meeting and sign into it on the computer to see the agenda.
 > I will be sending the minutes from the last meeting out to you on Monday.  Let me know if you have any questions.
 > Thanks, Janet
 > On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Janet Robertson < http://www.sbcc.edu/~robertso ,http://www.sbcc.edu/~robertso, > wrote:
 > Hi Everyone,
 > Our next Advisory Board meeting is scheduled for 10/29 at 4 pm Pacific time.  I hope that you can make it.  I will be sending out the agenda and minutes at least one week before the meeting.  The call in information will be on the agenda.
 > Let me know if you cannot make it.
 > Thanks, Janet
 > --
 > Janet L. Robertson, RHIA
 > HIT Program Director/Faculty
 > Santa Barbara City College
 > 721 Cliff Drive
 > Santa Barbara, CA 93109
 > (805)965-0581 ext 3451 ,tel:%28805%29965-0581%20ext%203451,
 > http://www.sbcc.edu/~robertso ,http://www.sbcc.edu/~robertso,
 > [IMAGE] ,http://sbcc.edu/marketing/images/No1_Logo.png,  
 > --
 > Janet L. Robertson, RHIA
 > HIT Program Director/Faculty
 > Santa Barbara City College
 > 721 Cliff Drive
 > Santa Barbara, CA 93109
 > (805)965-0581 ext 3451
 > http://www.sbcc.edu/~robertso ,http://www.sbcc.edu/~robertso,
 > [IMAGE] ,http://sbcc.edu/marketing/images/No1_Logo.png,  
 > Content-Type: application/msword;  name="HIT advisory meeting agenda Oct 2014.doc"
 > Content-Description: HIT advisory meeting agenda Oct 2014.doc
 > Content-Disposition: attachment;  filename="HIT advisory meeting agenda Oct 2014.doc"; size=73216;  creation-date="Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:47:59 GMT";  modification-date="Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:47:59 GMT"
 > Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
 > DRAFT Santa Barbara City College
 > Health Information Technology/Medical Coding Specialist Program
 > Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
 > Date/Time: October 29, 2014 @ 4pm â?? 5pm
 > Title: SBCC HIT and MCS Advisory Meeting
 > College/Group/Org: Santa Barbara City College
 > Telephone conference line: 1-913-312-3202 *
 > Participant passcode: 198048
 > *Toll free number: 1-888-886-3951
 > Go to www.cccconfer.org
 > Click Meet & Confer Participant Log In
 > Locate your meeting and click Go
 > Passcode: 198048
 > Telephone Conference Feature
 > *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line
 > CCC Confer Client Services - Monday - Friday between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 
 > Phone: 1-760-744-1150 ext 1537 or 1554 
 > Email: http://www.cccconfer.org/~clientservices
 > |Subject             |Leader(s)                           |Recommendations/  |
 > |                    |                                    |Actions           |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Welcome             |                                    |                  |
 > |New Members         |Cindy Doyon                         |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Approval of 04/09/14|Cindy Doyon                         |                  |
 > |minutes             |                                    |                  |
 > |Updates:            |                                    |                  |
 > |Department Updates  |Denise Harrison                     |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Campus Update       |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |Alan Price, PhD, Dean of Educational|                  |
 > |                    |Programs                            |                  |
 > |Group Brainstorming |All Members                         |                  |
 > |Hiring Remote       |                                    |                  |
 > |Employees and New   |                                    |                  |
 > |Grads               |                                    |                  |
 > |Student Outcomes:   |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Enrollment Figures  |Janet Robertson                     |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |CAHIIM Annual       |                                    |                  |
 > |Program Assessment  |Janet Robertson                     |                  |
 > |Report (APAR)       |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |RHIT Exam Results   |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |SLOs (Student       |Janet Robertson                     |                  |
 > |Learning Outcomes)  |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Curriculum and      |Lynette Williamson                  |                  |
 > |Program Updates:    |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Curriculum          |                                    |                  |
 > |ICD-10 Delay        |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Upcoming Remote Site|                                    |                  |
 > |HIT Program         |                                    |                  |
 > |Accreditation Visit |Lynette Williamson and Janet        |                  |
 > |                    |Robertson                           |                  |
 > |SB850, Bachelorâ??s |                                    |                  |
 > |Degree Programs in  |Lynette Williamson and Janet        |                  |
 > |CCC                 |Robertson                           |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Health Data Analyst |                                    |                  |
 > |Certificate (CHDA)  |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |Denise Harrison and Janet Robertson |                  |
 > |â?¢ Virtual Lab and |                                    |                  |
 > |Professional        |                                    |                  |
 > |Practice Experience |                                    |                  |
 > |PPE)                |Denise Harrison and Janet Robertson |                  |
 > |HIT Update          |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Coding Program      |                                    |                  |
 > |Update              |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |NEEHR Perfect       |Janet Robertson and Shawna Sweeney  |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |Lynette Williamson                  |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |All full-time faculty               |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Campus Committee    |Janet Robertson, Shawna Sweeney and |                  |
 > |Reports             |Lynette Williamson                  |                  |
 > |AHIMA Council on    |                                    |                  |
 > |Excellence in       |                                    |                  |
 > |Education (CEE)     |                                    |                  |
 > |Educational         |Janet Robertson                     |                  |
 > |Programming         |                                    |                  |
 > |Workgroup           |                                    |                  |
 > |Workforce Workgroup |Shawna Sweeney                      |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |HIT CIM Student     |                                    |                  |
 > |Update              |Hui-Ching Hsu-Marcotte              |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |MCS Student Update  |                                    |                  |
 > |                    |Marti Bundy                         |                  |
 > |                    |                                    |                  |
 > |Tentative date for  |Cindy Doyon                         |                  |
 > |next meeting        |                                    |                  |

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