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look into using dbacl for spam filtering
look into using latent structure patterns in text for spam filtering
 building a decision tree from a rolling hash function with a "percent into message" as an alternative
 building a decision tree from a rolling hash function with a "percent into message"
 http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume7/bratko06a/bratko06a.pdf as an alternative
import mini:trash/20141031/ipadphotos into f-spot
read book about earthquake and other survival information
do back exercises tonight
go through bills at home
create a shopsafe number for $10 to expire in Sep 2015 if Home Emergency Insurance Solutions requests an update to credit card info for Sewer Septic Service Line coverage
figure out who to vote for
set "sleep" on primary MP3 player
work this coming weekend
change Netflix subscription so 2-movies-at-a-time after signing up for Greencine
look for critters in basement
look for http://dvd.netflix.com/Movie/The-Who-the-Mods-and-the-Quadrophenia-Connection/70125811
register as Peace and Freedom
add "Tape" back onto Netflix queue
ask No about http://www.keplers.com/event/2014/11/18/day
=== order "next gig sought" button for No ===

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