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FW: FedEx Shipment Notification

I'm expecting a package.  It'll probably take a while to get here, 'tho.
Just keep an eye out.
fedex.com | Ship | Track | Manage | Learn | Office/Print Services
This shipment is scheduled to be sent on 11/03/2014.
See "Preparing for Delivery" for helpful tips
Tracking # 607776470285
Ship (P/U) date:
Monday, 11/3/14
Delivery progress bar
Estimated delivery date:
Friday, 11/7/14
Shipment Facts
Tracking number: 607776470285
Invoice number: 496692
Reference: 496692
Shipment ID: 300495
Service type: FedEx Home Delivery
Packaging type: Package
Number of pieces: 1
Weight: 3.00 lb.

Preparing for Delivery
To help ensure successful delivery of your shipment, please review the below.
Won't be in?
You may be able to hold your delivery at a convenient FedEx World Service Center or FedEx Office location for pick up. Track your shipment to determine Hold at FedEx location availability.
 Please do not respond to this message. This email was sent from an unattended mailbox. This report was generated at approximately 4:32 PM CST on 11/03/2014.
To learn more about FedEx Ground, please go to fedex.com.
All weights are estimated.
Estimated delivery displayed above is not valid for money-back guarantee or delay claim purposes. Shipments delayed because of customs or other regulatory delays are not subject to refund or credit under FedEx Money-Back Guarantee Policy. Please see FedEx Service Guide for terms and conditions of service, including FedEx Money-Back Guarantee. For more information, please contact your FedEx customer support representative.
To track the latest status of your shipment, click on the tracking number above, or go to fedex.com.
This tracking update has been sent to you by FedEx at your request. FedEx does not validate the authenticity of the requestor and does not validate, guarantee or warrant the authenticity of the request, the requestor's message, or the accuracy of this tracking update. For tracking results and terms of use, go to fedex.com.
Thank you for your business.

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