Hopefully we can get it all together to be able to do secret Satan I mean secret Santa. It looks like the phone lines here were Cut under the sidewalk so it will be a little bit more before we get phone service in our landline. ð??? I am still doing audio recording because my fingers are still quite been bent be ENT. But my physical therapy is going pretty well three times a week. We are going to Roswell today for our medical marijuana trip. Things are still in boxes but we will let you know as soon as we can when anyone can come to visit like you Flora . In love, Mom ---Executing: foldhtml|html-to-ascii  Hopefully we can get it all together to be able to do secret Satan I mean secret Santa. It looks like the phone lines here were Cut under the sidewalk so it will be a little bit more before we get phone service in our landline. ð? ?? I am still doing audio recording because my fingers are still quite been bent be ENT. But my physical therapy is going pretty well three times a week. We are going to Roswell today for our medical marijuana trip. Things are still in boxes but we will let you know as soon as we can when anyone can come to visit like you Flora . In love, Mom -- Sent from Gmail Mobile