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Re: article about Alameda growth (fwd)

 > From: http://www.relaxingrex.com/~mail
 > Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 18:54:14 -0700
 > Don't  get  me  started  about  all  the  garbage  that  they  are  
 > planning  to  build  and
 > are  currently  building  in  Alameda.  Like  the  article  says,  the  
 > powers  that  be
 > for  the  past  few  years  in  Alameda  have  sold  out  to  the  highest 
 > bidder   in
 > order  to  turn  the  island  into  Anywheresville  USA.  We  ousted  the  
 > mayor  but  the
 > deals  she  and  the  city  manager  made  (the  city  manager  who  doesn'
 > t  even  live  in
 > Alameda)  are  signed  and  done  deals  for  years  ahead,  so  I  don't  
 > know  how  much
 > the  new  mayor  can  do.  The  tube  is  well  beyond  capacity  
 > according  to  CalTrans,
 > the  bridges  are  maxed,  and  the  ferry  schedule  is  useless  for  
 > anyone  who  wants
 > to  go  over  to  SF  in  the  afternoon  and  come  home  at  night,  
 > after  dinner  or  a
 > show. 
 > We're  having  wood  floors  put  in  today  and  for  the  next  few  
 > days.  I'm  very
 > stressed  by  all  the  mess  and  everything  torn  all  to  hell.  I  
 > can't  relax  and
 > I've  got  an  ultrasound  in  the  morning  to  find  out  if  I've  got  
 > fibroids  or
 > masses.  Sigh. 

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