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FW: 10 new messages from your neighbors today

 > From: Nextdoor Japantown <http://www.nextdoor.com/~nextdoor>
 > Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 22:10:44 +0000
 > Nextdoor Japantown: Daily Digest
 > New Posts
 > ---------
 > Season of Hope Concert Series (Free Of Charge
 > Time: Friday, December 12, 2014, 7:30PM - Tuesday, December 23, 2014, 8:30PM
 > Location: 80 S Market St
 > shared to 12 neighborhoods
 > To view Rudy O.'s event and RSVP visit:
 > https://3japantownwhere-I-live.nextdoor.com/events/216705/?s=de
 > New Replies
 > ---------
 > Danni Carter from Vendome - Civic Center posted a messagein Crime & Safety: 
 >     Donna mentioned this as a reply to another post, but I think this
 >     warrants its own thread.  The power went out in the Vendome,
 >     Japantown , and at least part of Civic Center at about 4:30 this
 >     morning.  It came on again about 7 - 7:30.  The PG&E website (yay
 >     smartphones in blackouts) said over 20,000 customers were without
 >     power.  The rain hadn't started yet, and by my house, neither had
 >     the winds.  Does anyone know what happened? Was it more than the
 >     neighborhoods I mentioned?
 > 8 new replies
 >     Roberta Faust from Hyde Park:
 >         Power was also out in Hyde park about the same time. 
 >         Im wondering how things areinthe Hyde park area now? Is the
 >         power still on?
 >         Any flooding? 
 >         I am stuck at work and wondering how messy things are?
 >     Danni Carter from Vendome - Civic Center:
 >         Hyde Park is still okay.
 >     Dave Truslow from Hyde Park:
 >         I was awakened by wind about 4 when ~4:30A when I heard two
 >         small explosions / pops. The lights flickered after the first
 >         and extinguished a couple of seconds later with the second
 >         one. 
 >         Was puzzled because street lights were on + I can see SCC HQ &
 >         jail lights from backyard. Went out to inspect if line to
 >         house had been downed - didn't want anyone electrocuted. Happy
 >         to see power restored. Got my first emergency alert on the
 >         cell phone about 8:30.
 >         No flooding that I can see and rain is gentle - not a torrent.
 >         Everything looks normal, but the City's failure to expedite
 >         street sweeping has left a lot of leaf debris than can clog.
 >     Danni Carter from Vendome - Civic Center:
 >         Just found out that there was a tree down by Guru's Market at
 >         N San Pedro at George last night that took out our power and
 >         caused a chain reaction (according to my source).  The
 >         flooding on the other side of George is due to tree roots
 >         lifting the street and sidewalk in front of 44 George, the
 >         apartments between the white houses on the east end of the
 >         street.  It's so deep that I don't know if the car parked in
 >         front of 54 George will be able to start.  I'm also afraid
 >         that my car will stall getting out of my driveway.
 >     Roberta Faust from Hyde Park:
 >         Thanks for the update!
 >     Danni Carter from Vendome - Civic Center:
 >         Early this morning, First Street between Taylor and George was
 >         flooded.  where-I-live flood abatement crews came out and cleared
 >         the debris.  This evening, the storm drain at First and George
 >         was almost clogged again, starting a backup of water that
 >         would have flooded First again tonight.  I'd like to thank
 >         neighbor Geeta who helped me clear it out.
 >         Why am I posting this?  To point out that we can help mitigate
 >         problems in our neighborhoods and beyond.  Keep gutters and
 >         storm drains clear, and if flooding starts, see if it's
 >         something you can clear before it becomes too hazardous to do.
 >         The crews have been out all day and are exhausted.  Once we
 >         clean our street, we can go inside, change out of our wet
 >         clothes, get a warm beverage and a hot meal.  When the crews
 >         finish, their reward is to go to the next one.  Let's give
 >         them the chance to focus on the difficult jobs by doing our
 >         part on the easier ones.
 >         And, no, cleaning the gutters didn't help with Lake George,
 >         but it did help First Street, which is much more important
 >         right now.
 >     Tina Morrill from Vendome - Civic Center:
 >         Wholeheartedly agree, Danni.
 >         I had to call the corporate phone number of the landscaping
 >         crew of Citibank when I watched them blow their leaves into
 >         the gutter on Taylor/N San Pedro yesterday. (Kind of like the
 >         ongoing issue we have with Jefferson Square's landscaping
 >         crew) They said technically they don't have to pick up the
 >         leaves, that it's the City's responsibility. The City says any
 >         private business is responsible for their own maintenance. 
 >         And we get stuck with over flowing gutters. Ai yi yi.
 >     Danni Carter from Vendome - Civic Center:
 >         They can blow them into a pile in the street the day of or
 >         before yard waste pickup, but it must be in a pile near where
 >         the trash cans are put out, and must leave a foot of gutter
 >         clear.  Otherwise, it must be picked up.  I have my guys put
 >         it into my compost.
 > Shared to 12 neighborhoods

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