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RE: from Gail re: Don's Birthday Party further re: the food

 > From: "Gail" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:36:35 -0800
 > Thanks, Robert, for your prompt reply. I will tell him you won't be eating
 > any of the catered food, so we will stay at 27 attendees for the caterer's
 > purposes.
 > We look forward to seeing you both arriving on 1/1/15 (about what time?)

I'm going to guess 3:30pm.

 > and
 > hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season with your parents. Please extend
 > our best wishes to them for us.
 > Cheers,
 > Gail

Why do you want this page removed?