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wireless printer (fwd)

 > From: H <http://www.gmail.com/~h40>
 > Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 20:15:02 -0800
 >  Hi  Noelle,
 >  Debbie  is  up  for  the  Thai  restaurant,  which  is  literally  2  
 >  blocks  from  my  place
 >   on  Lyttton.   She  is  going  to  meet  us  here  (at  my  place)
 >  at  5:30  p.m.  for  a  glass  of  wine.
 >  Also  I  wondered  if  there  was  any  chance  that  Robert  would  be  
 >  willing  to  come  a
 >   bit  earlier  to  help  me  install  my  wireless  printer.   I  can 
 >  get  an  ether-net  cable  in  the  meantime. 
 >  Thanks  &  talk  to  you  guys  soon,
 >  Heather
 >  PS  I  bought  the  book  that  the  movie  is  based  on,  so  I  can  
 >  loan  it  to  you  when  I?m  done.  
 >  PPS  Vera  has  your  book  but  says  it  will  be  a  quick  read  for  
 >  her. 

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