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Re: cohousing connections!

Dear Christo and Olivia,
So sorry not to be back to you sooner. Was in Florida for the past two weeks on critical family business and got a bit behind on responding.

Although we have already overbooked this Sunday's tour, I am adding you to it anyway, as it is the best way to learn about us in a fairly concise and comprehensive way. There is opportunity for Q&A throughout and an extra hour or so at the end of the tour for more dialog. If after that you would like to hang around or come back for our Sunday night veggie potluck dinner you would be welcome. And, thereby able to get others' perspectives.

Here are details re Sunday's tour below.

TOUR TIME:    Sunday, Feb 8 from 10:30 am to 1 pm.


PLACE:    Tour starts at 117 Bimini Place, LA 90004
          Directions:  http://laecovillage.org/Directions.html

FEE:      $10 per person (sliding scale ok)

Here's what's covered on the tour:

Thanks for your interest, and hope you will find it helpful.


p.s. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. We do have a guest apt. unit. If still appropriate, contact Lara Morrison http://www.hotmail.com/~laraeco or 213/383-8684 to see if it's available. Fee is $35/night.

On 1/27/2015 7:41 PM, mira Danyel brisk wrote:
I'm reaching out to you firstly because I am in the process of helping
to start a brand new cohousing community in Charlotte, NC and also
because I am going to be in your area visiting family in a couple weeks
- the 2nd week of Feb.

While I'm there, I want to use some of my time to make connections with
others who have been / are in the process as well to learn what I can.

My main questions for now:

- Are you or someone in your group willing to talk with me more about
your process, etc (and if you want, I can share our process here too if
it helps).

- Are you open to having visitor for any length of time including: tours
- formal or preferably informal to get more of the 'inside story'!,
share a meal with you, and/or overnight stay.

- Any other resources / experiences you want to share that may be
helpful for young cohousingers as we get started?  I'm open to it.

- Also, I'll be helping with the National Conference taking place in
Durham, NC this year.  Not sure how that relates to my visit now, but
just putting in out there in case it helps in any way! :)

I appreciate your support and any 'reaching back'.  I look forward to
hearing about opportunities for connection and sharing.   Thanks!

*Mira Danyel Brisk*
*Move With Spirit!*
/Shake Your Soul (YogaQi Dance), Gentle Yoga and KidsYoga
Meditation on Twin Hearts Circles /
/Pranic Energy Healing/
/Cohousing Charlotte /
/UISAC Peace Center/

Why do you want this page removed?