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Re: security

 > From: Flora  <http://www.gmail.com/~flora>
 > Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 17:36:26 -0500
 > There was a story on npr yesterday called: 3 Voices, 1 Threat: Personal
 > Stories of Cyberhacking. Did anyone hear this story?

Yeah, I heard this story.  Just relistened to part of it.

 > Are you all taking
 > steps to protect yourselves?

Some things I do:

 1. Freeze all my credit through all the credit agencies (Equifax,
    Experian, Transunion) so that if someone does find out my SSN, they
    can't go on a credit card shopping spree.
 2. Use a unique temporary email address for each service I use, including
    bank accounts and everything.
 3. Use a unique username for each service.
 4. Do not use Windows because of randsomware and viruses in general.
 5. Have different passwords on all important accounts.
 6. Use a password manager to keep track of list of passwords.  (This
    isn't such a great idea; it's actually safer to keep the list on a
    piece of paper in a file cabinet.)
 7. Order annual credit reports.  (This is a pain when your credit is
    frozen, unfortunately.  It also is not free when your credit is
 8. Disable java, javascript, and flash and use adblockers and
    spam-filtering software.  (Disabling javascript is a big pain since
    most web sites will not work without it; I enable it selectively.)

 > Are you all concerned?

Noelle thinks I'm too concerned.  Paranoia strikes deep.

 > I went on my bank website per the story.

I don't use transactional alerts like they suggest.  However, all
transactions at my primary bank account are emailed to me.  They usually
make pretty boring reading, 'tho.

 > https://www.usaa.com/inet/pages/security_center?akredirect=true

Why do you want this page removed?