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Fw: Happy Birthday!

Heart warming! [IMAGE] 
Sent:  Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 1:55 PM
From:  "Jim Walsh" <http://www.gmail.com/~jimbonahant>
To:  "Margaret Bhavani" <http://www.myself.com/~Bhavani>
Subject:  Happy Birthday!

You may think that this is a day early but here in Sydney, Australia it's
already February 16th. It is somehow appropriate that Valentine's Day,
your birthday and Dad's all occur in the same month.  In years past it was
kinda helpful to be able to send out multiple cards at the beginning of
the month and hit all the bases.  But, this morning in Sydney, it's sunny
and warm and I'm thankful to have Dad's memory and your presence in my
heart. I hope your heart is sunny and warm this morning too.  Happy
birthday, my sister.  Jim Walsh, Nahant

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