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Re: Comment on Older and Out of Work in Silicon Valley: Perspectives | KQED Public Media for Northern CA (fwd)

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cat sprat (Guest):

Organizations and other communities that thrive on creative thought and design yet lack age diversity are missing out on opportunities that could be profitable practically and conceptually. Since the over-50 population seems to be outnumbering the younger population, perhaps we need to explore new models of managing and working together. If Zuckerberg has determined that everyone over 50 is basically useless or undesirable in the workplace, and he continues to increase his wealth and influence in the WORLD, what sort of leadershp is he offering all of us? He is 30 and he is "changing the world," as it is often written. It makes me very uncomfortable that he does not have a more diverse group of peeps to hang with, listen to.

7:27 p.m., Friday March 27 | Other comments by cat sprat

cat sprat’s comment is in reply to Noelle:

Mark Zuckerberg: did you hear this Perspective? Thanks a lot for saying people over 30 are not welcome to work at Facebook.

Read more

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