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Re: Fw: Re: Chai Desert Jewish Community Passover (Second) Seder!!!

OK, so I need to know: how you do you pronounce "Seder"?  George Takai
pronounced it in a way I had never heard on:


I've always heard it pronounced as "say-der".

 > From: "Bhavani" <http://www.myself.com/~Bhavani>
 > Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2015 02:04:02 +0200
 > FYI Bhavani & Richard or Mom & Dad   I should have said, the main dish will be 
 > Jerusalem Chicken with some vegetarian/vegan options. Please let me know of 
 > any special dietary needs.   P.P.S. Please bring your own seder plate (just 
 > the plate) and we'll have the items to put on them.    
 > Subject: Chai Desert Jewish Community Passover (Second) Seder!!!
 >   Shalom all,   First and foremost, I hope this finds you all well.       
 >   PASSOVER COMMUNITY (Second Night) SEDER is scheduled for 4 April 2015, at 4:
 >   30PM.  We have folks coming from as far as Roswell, so this slightly earlier 
 >   start will help them drive home at a reasonable time (especially for those 
 >   that finish their 4 cups of wine!)      The Seder will be held in the dining 
 >   room of Sacrament Masonic Lodge, 1100 Vermont Avenue, Alamogordo.  The Lodge 
 >   is located near the corner of 10th Street and Vermont Ave, near the 
 >   Sav-O-Mat gas station, and behind Lowes Supermarket.  The parking lot is 
 >   gravel, but on-street parking is also okay.     To date, I've heard from 
 >   almost 40 people that want to attend, and the Lodge can accommodate up to 60 
 >   people (more if we squeeze), so I'll also say that if you want to bring 
 >   guests you can, but please let me know so I can keep track of the total.     
 >   To do this as a relaxing meal for all, I am asking for a contribution, 
 >   instead of a pot-luck; I believe that $15 for one adult and $25 for a couple,
 >    with no charge for children, should cover all expenses of renting the 
 >   location, hiring a helper, and the food.  I use " A Passover Haggadah:  The 
 >   New Union Haggadah ,
 >   http://smile.amazon.com/Passover-Haggadah-Second-Revised/dp/0916694054/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1425859973&amp;sr=1-1&amp;keywords=a+passover+haggadah
 >   , " (Amazon link if you want to see it) and have obtained enough copies for 
 >   this event.      PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me a reply now with your 
 >   commitment to attend our community seder.  Please include how many adults 
 >   and kids.  You can either drop a check in the mail in advance, or give to me 
 >   at the event.      Thank you in advance for a prompt reply.      Shalom, 
 >   Alan & Melissa  2468 Desert Bloom Court   Alamogordo  88310  575-491-1050  

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