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Fwd: Mutual introduction

Alexander is sending an email right now to Karthik, saying that he is 
available to talk today between 1-3 PST. (This would be 4-6 pm our time.) He 
will inquire as to his start date and time, as well as any paperwork that needs 
to be filled out.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Alex  <http://www.gmail.com/~alex.<http://www.gmail.com/~alex.>>
Date: April 22, 2015, 10:40:31 AM EDT
To: Flora  <http://www.gmail.com/~flora<http://www.gmail.com/~flora>>
Subject: Fwd: Re: Mutual introduction

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Karthik" <http://www.glimpse.com/~karthik<http://www.glimpse.com/~karthik>>
Date: Apr 21, 2015 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: Mutual introduction
To: "http://www.gmail.com/~alex.<http://www.gmail.com/~alex.>" <

Anil -- thanks for connecting us. Moving you to bcc.

Alex -- pleased to emeet you and excited to hear that you are looking forward 
to interning with us this summer. Would you have some time to speak Wed or thu 
this week between 1-3pm PST?


Sent from my iPad

On Apr 20, 2015, at 7:29 PM, Anil <http://www.glimpse.com/~anil<http://www.glimpse.com/~anil>> 

Karthik, please meet Alex, who is the nephew of Robert whom you worked with at 
Edge_spring. Alex and I spoke last week, and he is excited to intern with us in 
Silicon Valley. Helping us on anonymizing patient information, through an 
algorithm we will help in shape for completion the summer. I am connecting the 
two of you, to work out remaining details. Looking forward...

Tried my best with Siri


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