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Re: alex got confused

 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2015 10:17:25 -0700 (PDT)
 > and missed train(something to do w/light rail train with "winchester" 
 > label and on website said it was called "campbell"(?)

Ah.  I told him "Winchester" when we went through the run-through.  I
guess it was for naught.

 > you can ask him the specifics, but I'll blame Google.

Google is always wrong.

 > So I had to help him find the CalTrain. Unfortunately it's the one that 
 > stops at every stop. he also had trouble deciphering the paper train schedule.
 > so he's gonna be really late. he should have left earlier.

I told him to plan on taking the train before getting there on time (i.e.,
be 40 minutes early).  I always do that as a matter of course when taking
public transit.

I hope he tagged-on and -off on Caltrain properly.

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