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Re: Fw: TPP update: Your pressure is working!


 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 20:41:42 +0000 (UTC)
 >     ----- Forwarded Message -----
 >   From: "Murshed Zaheed, CREDO Action" <http://www.credoaction.com/~act>
 >  To: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg> 
 >  Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:22 PM
 >  Subject: TPP update: Your pressure is working! 
 > |  You just dealt a â??staggering blow to President Barack Obamaâ??s trade 
 > agenda. |
 > | Dear Noelle,In what is being called by the press a â??staggering blow to 
 > President Barack Obama's trade agenda,â?? Democrats voted down a package of 
 > bills that would have given President Obama Fast Track authority for the 
 > TPP.Most dramatically, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced in a speech 
 > before todayâ??s key vote that she was voting against the presidentâ??s trade 
 > package in its current form. The media reported that conventional wisdom on 
 > Capitol Hill was that her speech was â??an ominous sign for trade proponents.â??
 > The failure of the White House to win a key vote to advance Fast Track 
 > Authority for the TPP shows that the hundreds of thousands of CREDO members who 
 > spoke out against job-killing trade deals are making a big difference despite 
 > an all out effort by Wall Street lobbyists, the Chamber of Commerce, and the 
 > White House to ram this through.In the last 24 hours, CREDO members have 
 > crushed congressional phone lines pouring in 7,000 calls, including hundreds of 
 > calls directly to the office of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. CREDO 
 > activists in San Francisco also helped organize a major demonstration at Leader 
 > Pelosiâ??s district office on Wednesday:If it wasnâ??t for your activism, the 
 > White House would have already succeeded getting Fast Track authority to ram 
 > through the TPP.But, this fight is far from over. Republican leaders John 
 > Boehner and Paul Ryan will attempt to hold another vote next week to revive the 
 > trade package that contains TPA. Get ready to fight back even harder against 
 > this corporate power grab when it comes up again next week. CREDO will continue 
 > to fight against Fast Track and any treaty that puts the rights of 
 > multinational corporations over the rights of the American people. Youâ??ll be 
 > hearing from us with more opportunities to take action.Thank you for standing 
 > with us. Your activism is making a difference. Murshed Zaheed, Deputy Political 
 > Director
 > CREDO Action from Working Assets |

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