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Re: Greetings regarding Cohousing

 > From: Prashant Kondawar <http://www.gmail.com/~prashant.kondawar>
 > Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2015 19:47:49 -0700
 > Hello Robert,
 > It was nice talking to you today evening. As discussed, pls include me in
 > meet up/yahoo group

I was unable to add you to the meetup group -- I don't think members can
be manually added.

Go to http://www.meetup.com/SouthBayCohousing/ and join the group.

 > and let me your address. I will drop by during week to
 > pick up the book.

Our address is  ., where-I-live  .  If you want to come
during the day, my wife works from our home.  Otherwise, I'm usually home
after 7:30pm.

Just name a time you'd like to come by.

 > Thanks,
 > Prashant

Why do you want this page removed?