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Re: office Home & Student 2013?

 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2015 15:24:02 -0700 (PDT)
 > lame. boss who organized go to meeting.com meeting did not show up(so we 
 > couldn't share screen). person 
 > who was supposed to help me said the other boss gave her access to Mt 
 > Sinai to someone else. I was able to get into Mt Sinai VPN so I had to 
 > take screenshots and email them to her. then she said "oh no I have to ask 
 > Raja. I'll call you back"

OK.  So, what did you do with the spreadsheet?  I would try to open the
"(1)" one in regular Excel to make sure it looks right.

 * If the document does look right, then you should be able to
    * upload it (again) to OneDrive,
    * trash the one that's there (the one with the "wrong lines"), and
    * rename it to replace it.

 * If it doesn't work in Excel, you'll need to re-do your changes.  So,
   you should
    * rename the one in OneDrive (which is presumably also bad) to a
      temporary file name,
    * restore the old one from this morning (the one your boss modified)
      from the Recycle Bin (icon should be in the lower left of the
      OneDrive screen), and then
    * edit it again via OneDrive, adding this morning's changes you made

Why do you want this page removed?