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internet went out

It looks like the internet went out this morning.  So, you know when you
press the button in the back of the box downstairs?  To the left of that
box is a smaller box.  That is that DSL modem.  On the top are some
lights, including "ADSL", "Data", and "Ethernet".  If the "Data" light is
*not* blinking, there's something wrong.  To reset it, unplug the black
wire (the power supply connector) and then plug it back in.  Watch the
lights.  After a while the ADSL light should blink slowly, and then blink
faster, and finally remain steady.  Then, the Data light will start
blinking.  That means that everything's working.

Just some background: "ADSL" is the part that's actually connected to the
white-ish phone wire -- it is the protocol used over the copper wires.
The "Ethernet" light indicates that the blue wire is connected to router
(the thing with the button on it).  The "Data" means that packets of data
are flowing from the "Ethernet" to the "ADSL".

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