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FW: 11 new messages & today's top post: Snapshots of Porch Thieves . .

 > From: Nextdoor Japantown <http://www.nextdoor.com/~nextdoor>
 > Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 22:30:22 GMT
 > Nextdoor Japantown: Daily Digest
 > New Replies
 > ---------
 > Carol Rees-Johnson from Northside posted a message in Crime & Safety: 
 >     Snapshots of Porch Thieves . .
 >     Per request from several neighbors, here are four still photos
 >     taken from my security videos, of the porch thieves that stole a
 >     pkg from my house on 9/15.  This happened in Northside, on the 300
 >     block of N. 14th.  If you see these people, the police have asked
 >     that you call 311 as soon as possible.  The case number to
 >     reference is #15-258-0534.   These thieves are regularly working
 >     the Northside neighborhood and probably those surrounding it. 
 >     They were spotted by several neighbors again yesterday but they've
 >     not been caught yet.  The police say the only realistic chance
 >     they have to catch them is if someone calls in a sighting
 >     promptly.
 >     5 new replies
 >     Juan Calonje from Modern Ice:
 >         Hi Carol,
 >         Sorry to hear about you getting your deliveries stolen by
 >         thieves.  Thanks for your post of the photos.  I recognize the
 >         woman from your photos as the same woman who was caught on
 >         video walking through our complex of homes in Modern Ice.  We
 >         are experiencing the same thefts of our deliveries here too. 
 >         The woman was aware of the location of the camera and when she
 >         realized that it had been repositioned she promptly backed out
 >         of the walkway.  Her accomplice was not captured in the video.
 >         We are keeping an eye out for here at Modern Ice.  I hope
 >         these thieves get caught.
 >     Carol Rees-Johnson from Northside:
 >         A neighbor who experienced porch package theft (sounded like
 >         more than once) said he mounted a security camera right over
 >         the top of his front door and from that point on he had
 >         nothing else stolen from his porch... we actually have a third
 >         camera that we've not yet installed and my husband is going to
 >         put it right over the top of the front door this weekend. 
 >         Sounds like this woman and her partner have been doing this
 >         for some time and have, sadly, yet to be caught.   I am also
 >         going to look into "signature required" for all my future
 >         deliveries.  Not convenient, but at least the items won't get
 >         stolen.   From the feedback I've received from the various
 >         neighborhoods, this woman is notorious.   I almost can't
 >         believe she's NOT been arrested yet.
 >     Alex Vaz Waddington from Horace Mann:
 >         I'm sorry but do you have a description of them? Are they
 >         Latino? I can't clearly see...any height/age kind of
 >         estimates?
 >     Heidi Sloss from St. James Park:
 >         This is why I got the smallest UPS box at the local one to me
 >         and have ALL my packages delivered there. I heard that these
 >         folks follow the delivery trucks around and then go from
 >         there
 >     Juan Calonje from Modern Ice:
 >         Heidi,
 >         If that is the case with them following the UPS truck then it
 >         should be easy to set up a "sting" operation by someone who
 >         works from home or someone retired.  I am registered with UPS
 >         and I set up "My UPS" to notify me prior to the delivery date.
 >         An at home person would have a "head's up" of when to be on
 >         the lookout for these crooks with a phone in hand to call the
 >         police.  They would have to be hidden from view or these
 >         crooks won't take the bait.  To the neighbor who asked what
 >         ethnicity the thieves are, from the video captured at Modern
 >         Ice, I would guess the female is a large breasted, medium
 >         complexion, latin woman.  Based on the captured photos and
 >         video, she always carries an oversized bag over her shoulder
 >         as she commits the crime.  I can't determine her exact height
 >         but she seems to be at least in the 5 foot range.  Heidi, I
 >         too no longer have anything shipped to my home but rather than
 >         the extra expense of maintaining a UPS box I simply have
 >         things shipped to my wife's work office.
 > Shared to 20 neighborhoods

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