And, I thought onboarding at farmerinthedell was bad. > From: Noelle <noelle> > Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 10:03:07 -0700 (PDT) > > they say we are supposed to save them in N Drive. I looked and I think > it's in there, but still not sure where to find them. > and then I did not abstract all the prebill audits in Epic and NOW they > tell me they can't see me doing them in the reports they run. > I asked if I should go back and redo all the abstracting on Monday. > AND they said don't enter all the codes in prebill audits just look for > the 1st few ones. no wonder they took all day. these instructions suck. > I am so fed up. Why didn't they talk to the hermagine liaison she's > supposed to help us?