Happy Winter Solstice! Here is my latest contact information: Robert . where-I-live my-Oakland-voicemail-number (voicemail) our-San-Jose-phone-number our-Oakland-cell-phone-number (cell) http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert http://www. My solstice update is below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ News Lifestyle * Careers * Not a portal into the soul. This year, my nephew worked at a friend's start-up instead because there was a bit of a mix-up at my work place. It's a health care portal internship and (horror of horrors) he had to commute to the place on his own. At least, he didn't have to drive, but learning the public transit system takes some getting used to. * Family * Peak experience. In a last, late minute move, we failed to arrive at Pinnacles National Park before sunset on Christmas Day with my parents. We saw what we could see, but eventually just turned back. Some pictures can be had at https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/albums/72157649988867172 . * Nothing changes. On New Year's Day, we celebrated Noelle's dad's birthday party in Santa Barbara. There was much haggling over the food there, but there were some things acceptable to me. And the setting was a kind of funny because there was problem with the fireplace and there was a thick smoke in the room. Some photos can be found at https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/albums/72157650070585646 . * Home * Fixin' a hole. We found a roof leak in the living room, front room, and bathroom, and was forced to re-felt the roof in the front of the house. Obtaining replacement tiles and getting them installed took weeks. Of course, after this mess was fixed up, there was a big painting job left for the rooms affected. And, lucky me, it turns out that one of the rooms had all my computer equipment in it. In order to have meaningful computer access during this tumultuous time, I spent a couple of hours to move and set-up everything in the dining room. When dust finally settled, everything was covered with a thick layer of paint dust. The story ended happily with all the electronics surviving. * Snowballing stucco. It seemed like such a small task: we hired a handyman to fix a small piece of stucco falling off the garage side. In September, upon discovering that it was due to pernicious rot of the garage structure, it grew into a multiday project. I was glad to give work to this handyman, but I think we ended up with much more than we originally bargained for. * Transportation * Bicycle * A mountful on Thanksgiving. So that we didn't end up with just a day of stuffing ourselves, we packed up our folding bike and trike into the car and took a trip to Pinnacles National Park on Thanksgiving Day. It was beautiful, clear, and brisk day and it wasn't a terribly extensive ride, but it was a good getaway. Some pictures are available at https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/albums/72157660280528534 . * Now, live from where-I-live! Our city wanted set aside a day with a space within city limits where walkers, runners, and cyclists could all gather together safely without the danger of car traffic. Called "Viva Calle", this event happened in October and we rode the entire 6 mile stretch both ways. It was nice. Pictures can be found at https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/albums/72157657407577123 * Travel * Watching people sashay. For our first visit to a state in the deep south, we visited New Orleans in late September. Noelle had her annual health information profession organization conference there and it was an opportunity for us to go. Sadly, Noelle was only able to get 3 days off to go there. We were able to do some exploring, 'tho. https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/sets/72157658929004069 . * Castro on the hill. In June, our friend met us in San Francisco. Being a native, our friend took us on an extensive tour of the Castro district. I had never hung around the Castro much -- it's usually been brief trips. I learned a lot. * Money * A day at the breach. Beginning in March, letters started arriving saying that I may become an identity theft victim due to the various breaches, primarily from those involving Blue Cross. Naturally, I took advantage of the offers to get identity protection. It's very disappointing that, due to lack of inadequate laws and policy, we are all left so vulnerable. * Food * Sonoma whine. Our friends are members of a winery wine club and suggested we join them for a picnic there along with their dogs. What should have been a 2 hour trip, my nephew Alex, Noelle, and I ended up on the road for 4 hours on a drive to a winery in Sonoma county in August. I can only imagine what it's like commuting on this route on a weekday. In any case, because of the traffic, we only had enough time to eat and leave. On our way back, Alex was able to see Golden Gate Bridge close up for his first time on our way back. Copious pictures of stuck cars can be seen at https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/albums/72157657242652368 . * Health * Eyes * Return of the retina. I went to a retina specialist to look at my eye again. The retina is slightly malformed causing distorted vision in my straight-ahead focus eyesight, primarily my right eye. If it gets much worse, there are a series of operations which may correct the problem. It's definitely annoying; using large fonts on my computer helps. * People * Missing persons. I continue to no longer have email addresses for these people: Clayton Glad Louise Zivnuska Bruce Moreland Scott Fraize If you're in contact with any of these people, please tell them that I am missing their email addresses. Entertainment * Movies * Not so on-demanding. Per usual, you can see my DVD Netflix queue at http://tinyurl.com/nosnetflixqueue . Neither my Netflix instant watch queue nor my Movielens ratings can be shared. * Music * Patience is rewarded. We saw what may be Rush's penultimate tour in July. We got fairly good seats, but it turns out that being too close to the stage can have its own problems. Our friend, who had seats further away seemed to have a better experience -- both better sound quality and superior viewing. * Visiting the human exhibit at the zoo. The Redwood City city plaza was pretty crowded with people waiting for Zoostation, a U2 cover band, in August. Although not a big U2 fan, I tagged along so I could meet my friend there and ingest some food. * This Dublin is not cool and comfortable. The Scottish Highland Games were in Pleasanton (near Dublin, CA) this year. We do not typically go, but some compelling bands were playing there in September, including Albannach, a band that Noelle had seen before, and another band we discovered playing there called Brother . It was oppressively hot and crowded. Because of the crowds, we missed out on a few things, including the Scottish whiskey tasting. At least, the music was good. * Books * Canadians among us. During yet another trip to Redwood City in October, we caught North American "science fiction" (she doesn't like this label) writer Margaret Atwood speak before a large audience. She was there to tout her latest book, but audience and host questions were asked. It's amazing how spry and quick on her feet she was. It was good hearing her stories. * Theater * Repetitive repeats. My parents visited a second time in Aug. We attempted to see the SF Mime Troupe show with them in Santa Cruz again, but failed due to a big traffic jam, again. We ended up in Los Gatos since the alternative route failed. We didn't capture the excitement in pictures, but we have some other parental pictures here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/noelle/albums/72157657242652368 Politics/Society * Labor * Slaves to free trade. There was a lot of media about Obama's Trans-Pacific "Partnership" a.k.a. the TPP. ("Partnership" is used instead of "Agreement" in order to prevent it being treated as a treaty and the associated legal procedures.) I've been following this legislation scrupulously since it will be very bad for workers, the environment, pharmaceutical drugs, electronic privacy, and software freedom. It's a particularly frustrating experience since Ca Senator Feinstein is completely gung ho about getting this passed into law; my struggling to find the words to change her mind is draining. * Privacy/Liberties * Listening in. We attended a presentation about civil liberties and electronic privacy rights featuring journalist Robert Scheer and his most recent book, "They Know Everything About You", in March. It was a small panel discussion. It made me realize that these digital intrusions are really a result of the government wishing to spend less money. * Misc * A big, feisty gift. For my birthday this year, Noelle brought me to see Barney Frank, the former democratic congressman. (Again, in Redwood City.) He talked about his life and told some stories. It was all very entertaining, but it definitely gave me a clear view into his belief system. * Mahna mahna. There has been some controversy about the remaining Air Force radar tower on Mount Umunhum here in where-I-live -- about whether to keep it and paying for its existence and maintenance. In August, we attended a detailed presentation on the radar tower and and the history of the Almaden Air Force Station that was there from 1958 to 1980 (see http://www.umunhum.net ). Of course, since it is easily seen and a structure known to all around here, its disappearance would be sad. Technology * Computers * Hardware * Networks * Invasion of the Windows machines. Since starting my current job and Noelle's new job, there are now more Windows-based machines. Because a number of security issues have been revealed and Windows sucking up all the network bandwidth, I have partitioned them to a separate LAN. They can now fight among each other. * Telephones * Sometimes I feel I've got to run away. Our cell finally went soft and bit the dust in September. After long resisting it, we decided to upgrade to a smart phone. I'm still a bit fearful of the information it's revealing to who-knows, but I have every intention to locking it down as much as possible. * Internet * Email * I am spam. I discovered that, between January and June of this year, all email sent to a certain friend was never received. It had to do with some complex configurations and the fact that I was using my ISP's SMTP server to send mail. It took a while to diagnose, but I ended up having to change my qmail configuration so that it connects to the SMTP server directly instead.