Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition
Your generous donation to Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition is processed by Network for Good. Depending on your method of payment, your credit card or PayPal statement will show 'Network for Good' or the charity to which you donated. This receipt certifies that you
have made this donation as a charitable contribution and that you are not receiving
any goods or services in return. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed
by law.
You may save or print this receipt for your financial records. It may be useful
to you when completing your tax return.
Name: Robert
Address: N
City: where-I-live
State/Province/Region: CA
ZIP/Postal Code:
Country: United States
Phone: 510-273-2427
Method of Payment: CreditCard
Name on Credit Card: Robert
Credit Card Last 4 Digits: 0517
Amount: $35.00
Total Billed to Your Credit Card: $36.05
Tax-Deductible Amount: $36.05 (If a thank you gift or ticket
item was selected during the checkout process, its fair market value is not included
in this tax-deductible total.)
Date: 12/24/2015
Time: 04:48 PM EST
Transaction #: 1262165767
Authorization: Approved
Authorization Code: 05326Z
Address: 96.. ., Suite 375 box 1927 where-I-live 95109
If you made a recurring donation you can always edit or update your information by logging
in through the donation page. To log in click the recurring donor log in button at the top
of the donation page and use your email address and the password you created when you made
your first recurring donation.
The information in the email is private and only used for the purposes of processing your donation.
For more on Network for Good's privacy and security policies and other disclosures, please
visit (www1.networkforgood.org/privacy) and
Your contribution is being made to Network for Good, a nonprofit, donor-advised
fund (tax ID 68-0480736), which will distribute your donation to the nonprofit organization
you indicated. As required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Network for Good
has exclusive legal control over this donation. All donations are final and may
not be refunded.
Please contact Network for Good via email at
http://www.networkforgood.org/~support or by phone at (888) 284-7978.
Your Network for Good Team