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Re: I saw it

We're waiting for the Rifftrax (http://www.rifftrax.com/ ) version.  The
Riffs of the Star Wars prequels were the funniest things I've ever seen.

 > From: http://www.cs..edu/~b
 > Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 16:47:56 -0800
 > So Matt was up in  for the weekend for a gig at Ashkenaz, and we had
 > several yummy meals together, and this afternoon after dim sum we went to the
 > Emeryville AMC.
 > Non-spoiler review:  There's really nothing to spoil.  All the putative
 > surprises announced themselves way in advance.  The stormtroopers still can't
 > shoot for beans, and the dark side artificial planet designers still put fatal
 > flaws in their designs.  Carrie Fisher has learned to act; that was the
 > biggest surprise.  (Harrison Ford hasn't.)
 > 3D isn't as headache-inducing as it used to be, but it still looks like layers
 > of cardboard with spacers in between, like a ViewMaster, not continuous depth.
 > Except when a ship is zooming right at you and they put more effort into it.
 > And the other surprise is that the soundtrack barely hinted at the iconic
 > theme music that was the only reason the original became a big hit.
 > Kenny Baker in the credits as "R2D2 consultant."  :-)

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